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Laney Smith

Laney Smith is an American author, best known for her addictive crime drama/romantic mystery series, Lock Creek: Time Capsule Series. Born in Little Rock, AR, she is the oldest of three children and the only daughter. She is the proud mother of two boys. After winning a "books-to-screen" contest for her Lock Creek series, Smith proudly insists dreams do come true. The first round of script has been written and is currently in the editing phase. Filming is scheduled to begin soon and readers will be able to watch the hot, new television series from the comfort of their homes in the very near future. Stay tuned!
Oct 19, 1974 (Age: 50)
Southern California
Currently Reading
Unholy Matrimony - Alex Black
Reading Next
Unholy Matrimony by Alex Black
Top Three Books
1. The Notebook
2. All things Alex Black
3. Lock Creek
Top Three Authors
Alex Black, Nicolas Sparks, Stephen King
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Author Laney Smith