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Recent content by SFG75

  1. SFG75

    What do you want in a bookstore?

    Update: I’d like for a bookstore to exist. I’d also like it to stay in business. History can be a hellish thing.
  2. SFG75

    Reading more than one book at the same time

    When I’m a polygamous reader, it’s due to not having a big interest in a book, but rather, having “just enough” interest. LOL
  3. SFG75

    How to maintain a consistent reading habit?

    I lean towards reading deeply when I have the chance, as opposed to setting a schedule for myself. I use to be more going-ho about scheduling reading but I have found I have better focus now when I focus on just opening a book when the mood strikes. Work and daily demands help influence that...
  4. SFG75

    Do you ever reread your books?

    I’m on a Nabokov kick now. Re-reading The Defense and will branch out from there. I read it about ten years ago, so I’m enjoying the details I missed the first time around.
  5. SFG75

    Red Note social media site

    Did you join the Tik Tok migration to Red Note? I’m seeing quite a few Americans there who don’t want to have anything to do with Zuckerberg.
  6. SFG75

    e-Books Vs normal books..

    This thread is a great stroll through memory lane for me, a lot of great people I knew years ago. 🍺Please know I recant any insinuation that reading on a screen is less than worthy than reading on pulp. History has not absolved me in this instance. 😁
  7. SFG75

    Recently Finished

    An excellent account and critique of the coming singularity or merging of humanity with technology as the next step in our evolutionary “progress.”
  8. SFG75

    Peder's Pond

    Hope you are holding the flag up well. Do check in sometime. -a fellow traveler
  9. SFG75

    Current Non-Fiction reads

    Wrapping up The Real Lolita by Sarah Weinman. The author makes a convincing case that Nabokov utilized the story of Sally Horner in his work, though both V. and. His wife denied that was the case. The travel across the country, a threat by the older man, and a mysterious phone call made, are...
  10. SFG75

    Philosophy recommendations?

    Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle. Definitely some great stuff there.
  11. SFG75

    Speed Reading

    Caro's books on LBJ are amazing, no doubt about that. I like the in-depth writing style that he possessed and I appreciate the laying of the groundwork to make you feel like you are in the meeting itself. I could see skimming chapters or pages of a book you don't find interesting and I think...
  12. SFG75

    Dogs, Cats, Rats...What Kind of Critters Do You Have?

    Cats, cats are life.
  13. SFG75

    The Bible

    We must be cautious regarding reckless classification, lest we fall into an exercise of that validates the theory of solipsism. The part of the Bible can be divided into historical writing, poetical books, literature, as well as writings on law specific to the Hebrews. The issue of translation...
  14. SFG75

    The Strand's books quiz-could you work there?

    It's quite a doozy. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/07/14/nyregion/strand-quiz.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0
  15. SFG75

    Books of your childhood

    Ferdinand the Bull was a favorite. I also read Mike Mulligan and his steamshovel a million times.