Hi Nancy! Marilyn gave me your link I just want to thank-you for titles I've added to my booklist (I'm SO lucky! just a handy 20-minute walk from the Main Library of Philadelphia To post this, such a rigamarole! You'd think this was the CIA. .
To have a book club here, I had to START one. It's like the man who asked Boston ladies where they bought their hats. "BUY ?!?!?" said one. "Why would we do that? We HAVE our hats!!" At a certain age, people don't MAKE friends, they HAVE friends, and they also HAVE book clubs. I posted a notice at Quaker Meeting, and got 6 recruits; 3 crotchety men, who then didn't show, one whiney depressed woman ditto, and 2 (hurrah!) delightful women in their 20s who came full of excitement to the branch library. Plus a talkative ex-reporter guy. We had a BLAST! Next, we submit 3 titles each .. and who knows? maybe more recruits. Onward!
-- in the meantime I'm off to GReece (again) May 17 for a month. Joy!! janet kroll
To have a book club here, I had to START one. It's like the man who asked Boston ladies where they bought their hats. "BUY ?!?!?" said one. "Why would we do that? We HAVE our hats!!" At a certain age, people don't MAKE friends, they HAVE friends, and they also HAVE book clubs. I posted a notice at Quaker Meeting, and got 6 recruits; 3 crotchety men, who then didn't show, one whiney depressed woman ditto, and 2 (hurrah!) delightful women in their 20s who came full of excitement to the branch library. Plus a talkative ex-reporter guy. We had a BLAST! Next, we submit 3 titles each .. and who knows? maybe more recruits. Onward!
-- in the meantime I'm off to GReece (again) May 17 for a month. Joy!! janet kroll