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  1. TownBear

    bored now.....

    this 'll keep ya busy for a hell of a long time lmao link removed just make sure ya sign the guestbook:D
  2. TownBear

    all hail Richie!!

    LOL bebe... dun worry.. i'm the most paranoid internet user u may come across lmao even a trace on the router wont show up anywhere NEAR where i live lmao and spaz, hate to disagree but even thin people need exercise.. for health, not weight loss otherwise, when ur old & grey u'll have...
  3. TownBear

    What are you reading mid-July/02?

    i'm waiting on BOTM selection so that i'm not in the middle of one when it starts :D
  4. TownBear

    Suggestions for August's Book of the Month

    great idea... was gonna suggest that.. that way people don't have to spend a fortune on books if they don't want to that limits my BOTM suggestions to the Sidney Sheldon one. Haven't read a lot of that author myself, so don't know how good it would be... more into literature myself.
  5. TownBear

    Dreaming of England

    me? tampa bay florida? uhmm no lol where'd ya get that idea?
  6. TownBear

    hi darren

    Re: exellent idea then why haven't u added a suggestion to the book of the month post? :p
  7. TownBear

    hi darren

    soooooo.. has it done you any good yet? lol i did see someone here with a sig. that is the same as another forum i go to.. makes me wonder if they came from that site newho.... ur link is on my sig all over the place:cool: hey! it's pickin up here:D are you going to allow attachments in...
  8. TownBear

    Dreaming of England

    Re: ok, so then... and no, you can't hurt me :cool:
  9. TownBear

    Jude law...

    lollllllllllllllll i still say "Mel" he rulezzzzzzz! where are the men on the board in this thread lolllllll
  10. TownBear

    Dreaming of England

    Re: ok, so then... i am canadian, eh.. i call myself a hozer all the time lolllllll i tried to attach my "I'm A Hozer" sign to that post.. but apparently attchement are not allowed:( "we" canadians don't mind being called hozers! it's allll in good fun:D :cool:
  11. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    so.. did u kill the ba$tage off yet? lollll
  12. TownBear

    Jude law...

    ohhhhhhhhhhh he's from The Talented Mr. Ripley... yeah i 'memeber him now yep.. not my type lollllll i think the star of that, mat damon, is wayyyyy better lookin...way!:D
  13. TownBear

    Jude law...

    thanks for the link mate looks a bit young for me and don't think he's really my type lol
  14. TownBear

    how to skin and eat a hobbit?

    very simple to cook a hobbit take out the gizzards cook them for the dog if u dont fancy eating them urself stuff it brush the outside with a bit of butter or oil spice Well!! < < Important! cook 325 degrees for 25 mins per lb good luck and don't forget to floss after lolllll
  15. TownBear

    how to skin and eat a hobbit?

    yes, that's wut i thought so why we talkin about cooking them? lolllll this should be in the sci-fi/fantasy section of the board.. if there is one lolllll
  16. TownBear

    all hail Richie!!

    yes, i considered it there comes a time u start to think about how to KEEP your body toned! lol he was an option, but i declined lol but that was a few yrs back... still toned so what kin i say ;) lol
  17. TownBear


  18. TownBear


    i'm not a geek... imma hoser! lolllllll
  19. TownBear

    Dreaming of England

    like.. i'm a Canadian, eh:D :cool: :cool: I'm a Great Canadian Hoser:cool:
  20. TownBear

    all hail Richie!!

    no, i was seriously laughing at bebe! she's crackin me up is all (he/she.. i dunno) richard simmons has most deffinately helped a lot of people! not knockin him altho i'm not a fan but he does have the best workout vids around... musically speakin thought about buying one for extra...