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  1. TownBear

    ideas, please

    i'm still waiting on the book of the month selection so... maybe add a book suggestion in there? :D
  2. TownBear

    it's what's on the outside that really counts...

    lolllll i second that
  3. TownBear

    how to skin and eat a hobbit?

    well.. if u r talkin about a book ur writing... u posted in it the general chat so... as far as general chat goes.. what the HE** is a hobbit? lolllllll
  4. TownBear

    Jude law...

    got a url with a pic of this person?
  5. TownBear

    PC or Mac?

    mac for the stability and quality pc for the ahhh... well... uhmmmmm.. oh right! to be with the in crowd:D
  6. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    Re: I like the way you think... < drops on the floor in hystrics > rotffff lmaooooooooo
  7. TownBear

    bored now.....

    http://www.bored.com :D lol
  8. TownBear

    it's what's on the outside that really counts...

    one word ~ MEL :D
  9. TownBear

    Which magazines do you read?

    you need gossipy people to post in the mag sections lol that's all mag people do... read about People, and gossip about it lol
  10. TownBear

    how to skin and eat a hobbit?

    omgggggg i've cracked.. first bebe with the richard simmons thing lolllllll now we're talkin about cookin hobbits lmaoooooooooooooooooo i'm on the floor trying to type this! lolllll
  11. TownBear

    how to skin and eat a hobbit?

    'cuse me... a hobbit? lol
  12. TownBear

    all hail Richie!!

    Re: oh my god.... omg lmaooooo u have no idea i'm on the floor laughing my (_l_) off hah haaaaahahaha i was lol thinkin the same thing lollllllll lolllllll no, really, i'm sorry... i like rich... he does great things for big people, i'm not laughing at him! i'm lauging lolllllll @ bebe...
  13. TownBear

    A Beautiful Mind

    yes, good idea!
  14. TownBear


    Re: traffic lights? speak fer urself:p ;):cool: lolllll welcome aboard lujan! sit down, relax, grab a book and when you're done.. tell us about it:D
  15. TownBear

    favourite actors/actresses

    Fav. Actor = Mel Gibson:D < dreams > :Dmel
  16. TownBear

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    lolllllll ;)
  17. TownBear

    Suggestions for August's Book of the Month

    well the sidney sheldon '92 recipe for bees '98 childhood '98 all have already been put into softcover so they are more than a yr fer shur so not that new
  18. TownBear

    Suggestions for August's Book of the Month

    Childhood The Stars Shine Down A Recipe for Bees
  19. TownBear

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    no... keep to that and dont read anymore by grisham ;) lollll
  20. TownBear

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    i rarely pick books by author, i pick by what grabs my interest looking around the bookstore sometimes if i read a book and it's really good, i may actually seek out another ont by the same author or if i've read one i really didnt like, i keep that author in mind and remember to not get...