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  1. TownBear

    Suggestions for August's Book of the Month

    k.. here's 3 i suggest A Recipe For Bees by Gail Anderson-Dargatz(i started this but have only gotten 8 pages in cuz i stopped to read another book first lol) Childhood - by Andre Alexis The Starts Shine Down by Sidney Sheldon
  2. TownBear

    hi darren

    do you have a graphic program that you can modify an image you like in? i.e. Fireworks or Photoshop? you can just resize one that you like
  3. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    :D :D :D :cool: lollllllllll
  4. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    HA! talent HA! a hillbilly hick book with a pedofile who is gettingoff the hook u call that talent? lmaooooooo ;)
  5. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    fiction or non you're touching on a area where children are involved.. dun ask fer help from us lmao i still say Kill The Ba$tage :D
  6. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    no one is voting cuz they can't see a way clear to allow a ped. to go free either :D
  7. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    my vote is kill the ba$tage :D sorry, but he's a pedofile and they dun deserve to live!
  8. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    naw... send him to the electric chair!! the ba$tage!!!! he dun desver to go free!
  9. TownBear

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    i dunno, just the way he writes... seems sort of ... more the male physique i've never found his books interesting (just me i guess) but i came up with that opinion after hearing how many men i personally know that like his books and how many girl friends i have that don't :D
  10. TownBear

    What do you do with a book you've read?

    a ton lmao if i buy it, i keep it... of course, if it's from the library, it has to go back :( lol i just bought 2 bookcases a few mths back to put some of them on i think i've had some books over the yrs that were given to me or my mom bought me at garage sales, that i didnt keep cuz...
  11. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    how about... they find out he's really innocent ? lol
  12. TownBear

    how are sock puppets made?

    try a tube sock that has no heal area ;)
  13. TownBear


    you mean you don't have morpheus?:eek: (or something similar)
  14. TownBear

    what will happen to cleetus?

    uhmmmmmm lollllllll
  15. TownBear

    A Beautiful Mind

    :eek: didn't know there was a book!! darmn, and i watched the movie too i like to read the book before i watch the movie oh well... good movie tho never heard about his wife beating or bi-curious nature or outbursts tho (kinda of hits upon that ficton/non-fiction debate from a while...
  16. TownBear

    Have you ever had a book signed by the author?

    would have like to have gone to a few signings in my life... but i could never be bother waiting in a line-up i'm not into celeb's that much to make it worth my time :) lol
  17. TownBear

    PC or Mac?

    PC here... just to keep with the general population mac's are very good & stable computer tho!!
  18. TownBear

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    john grisham... he writes books for guys.. i dun like 'em too much
  19. TownBear

    What do you do with a book you've read?

    keep 'em! each and every last one of 'em lol (makes moving a pain :D) i trade books with some of my friends, but always get them back
  20. TownBear


    and may i add, without any offense to you.... i keep reading you mentioning how dead it is here lol this is a fairly new forum... they don't "happen" over night ya know:p but good people, such as yourself, make it work! so keep up the good work!!;) :D