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  1. C

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    Anything thats lying around. Im horrible at keeping up with book marks.
  2. C

    star wars books?

    Thats exactly the reason I never started to read star wars books. Is there any particular order your supposed to start in?
  3. C

    how many people watch anime?

    Agreed. I love anime, but it certainly is not for every one. I don't think it would do well at all on the big screen.
  4. C

    Need book suggestions for a sister...

    I don't mean to butt in, but here's my 2 cents. I know from personal experiance that there is a lot that can happen between the ages of 22 and 25. Not everyone finds their direction right away. Just let her know that you are there for her, and give her time. Like you said it really could be...
  5. C

    Which was the very first rock concert you ever went to?

    The first concert that I went to was rage against the machine. My older sister took me. I think I was like 12 or 13. They put on an awsome show.
  6. C

    Books as gifts

    He's 11. If you have any input on these books I'd appreciate it. I don't want to give him a book thats inappropriate.
  7. C

    Books as gifts

    Last year I bought all of the children in my family books for Christmas, and most likley do it again this year. I've already bought my nephew the Eldest/Eragon: Box Set. I just with my cousins would stop having kids. lol. Last year we were at 10 kids, and this year they are already up to 12. It...
  8. C

    Tales of Wisdom (hah!)

  9. C

    Stephen KIng Or Dean Koontz

    King and Koontz are probably my two favorite authors. I think I like King a bit more though. I would try reading The Stand.
  10. C

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower Series

    I enoyed the whole series. Part of my fasination with the Dark Tower Series is how he incorporated some of his other charaters into it . I spent a lot of time going back and reading some of the other books that tied into the series. I think I may re-read the series some time soon.
  11. C

    What's Your MySpace Address?

  12. C

    Where do you buy most of your books?

    Barnes & Noble mostly.
  13. C

    Happy Halloween!

    I have to work tonight too. I'm not gonna be able to go trick or treating with my daughter. Sucks. =/
  14. C


    Welcome Jeanne-Maire, I'm from Houston as well. I hope you get as much out of this forum as I have. :)
  15. C


    Welcome! :)
  16. C

    A little help....

    This week I will be leaving to Tacoma, WA for a week. I need a few suggestions on places to visit in the Tacoma/Seattle area. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  17. C

    Post-Apocalyptic! End of the World books

    It is a great book. On that note I would also like to throw in the Dark Tower Series. by Stephen King. I know it's not exactly what you probably were looking for, but I loved it.
  18. C

    Post-Apocalyptic! End of the World books

    Swan's Song by Robert Mccammon. A friend of mine recommended this book to me when I was in high school. I loved it.
  19. C

    Personality Test - What Kind of Animal Are You?

    That's what I would have thought too, but the results don't lie I guess...lol
  20. C

    Personality Test - What Kind of Animal Are You?

    I dont really understand how I'm predomiantly beaver but oh well...... "your personality type is reflected in your character traits....you are predominantly a Beaver 18%" this is because you have these traits: I will work it out Let's do it the right way! Controlled Serious I will...