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  1. C

    The first sentence in the book you're reading

    "I've been here before, John Hordle suddenly realized, his thumb moving over the leather that covered the grip of his bow." - The Protectors War by S.M. Stirling
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    a person you dream to meet ??

    I would have loved to have met Jim Morrison. His music influenced me a lot as I was growing up.
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    What are you doing this weekend?

    My girlfriend and I will be doing some clean up at our new house this weekend. Its not a very fun filled weekend, but I'm excited just the same. This whole gettin a house thing has been very stressful, and Ill just be glad when its over. =)
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    Stephen King

    I've always ment to read this book, but never have. I have to remember go buy it one of these days.
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    Children's horror

    Yea I read a lot of R.L. Stine. I actually still have them. I figure I will save them for my daughter when she gets a little older.
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    Crimson King in the HOUSE!

    Welcome. Stephen King fan I take it?
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    Let's revive the horror section (mwah-ha-ha!!)

    Do Goosebumps books count. Ha! I think the first novel I've ever read was The Stand, but I dont know if you would consider that horror. I guess maybe Tommy Knockers was one of my earlier books as well.
  8. C

    The first sentence in the book you're reading

    "Michael Havel pulled his battered four-by-four into the employees' parking lot, locked up and swung his just-in-case gear out of the back, the strap of the pack over one sholder and the gun case on the other." Dies the Fire- S.M. Stirling
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    Stephen King: Lisey's Story

    I'm a huge King fan, so I will definitely be reading this book.
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    Movies you could watch a thousand times

    Snatch/The Usual Suspects
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    Which do you prefer?

    softback pencil Paper clip Holding a book shelving them up correctly history/imagined future- depends on my mood Fiction __________________
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    Welcome. Im a new here as well. :p
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    Favorite TV show of all time

    I would say the simpsons. I grew up with that show.
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    The Photo Destruction Game

  15. C

    Hi All!

    Thanks. :D
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    Hi All!

    Thanks everyone. Please notice the new s/n. I was only using imotionb18 untill I could get the registration for this one fixed.
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    Stephen King

    I pretty much grew up reading Stephen King. My mom has been a huge fan since she was young, so I always had his books at my disposal. It wasn't till my freshman year in high school that I read from any other author. lol.
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    Hi All!

    This is actually my first book from Stirling. I haven't read the Grantville series either. I definitely will though.
  19. C

    Hi All!

    Hello everyone...the name's Vincent. I'm a long time reader first time poster. I mostly enjoy horror/thriller fiction, but I'm not very picky at all as long as the book is good. I'm currently reading Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling.