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Search results

  1. chop_chop

    Experimental Fiction

    I thought that Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami was a little experimental, but not overly really if that makes any sense. It depends on how you look at things - books like Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer could be seen as experimental simply because of the...
  2. chop_chop

    November Reads 2006

    This month I have read Dracula - Bram Stoker 1984 - George Orwell Brave New World - Aldous Huxley and I reread Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - JK Rowling because I had a period of reader's block concerning anything that I was meant to be reading for Uni! :rolleyes:
  3. chop_chop

    Secret Santa 06?

    I can post overseas if you need me to I suppose, it will be more of a challenge to find something cool which does not weigh much to save me precious pennies! ;)
  4. chop_chop

    Suggestions for books set in WW2?

    This is a children's book really, but I still think it is wonderful - Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. It is more concerned with evacuees and not with the front line or anything, but it is a great read if you fancy something a little different.
  5. chop_chop

    2006 is nearly over, so...

    I have only read a couple of books from 2006 - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer and The Priestess of the White by Trudi Canavan. I am waiting for the library to get The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield in for me so I might read that before the year finishes. My...
  6. chop_chop

    Secret Santa 06?

    Can I join in please - sounds like a fab idea, I read last year's thread and it just sounds like such a wonderful thing to do! I hope by reading all the things that you have had to say about all the books that you read that I would be able to think of a suitable present for one of you!
  7. chop_chop

    Quotation Game

    The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams?
  8. chop_chop

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I am using a list of all the books I have read this year at the moment - before that I was using a dummy theatre ticket I printed out at work.
  9. chop_chop

    What to read next

    Thanks everyone - I will read A Game of Thrones next then!:)
  10. chop_chop

    When is your prime reading time?

    I read whenever I can. I have got a couple of weeks off now I have finished this year of uni - so I am hoping to get loads of reading done on my lazy days sat around my flat. Usually though, I read in the evenings. Sometimes I get an hour or two - but it depends on how much my boyfriend wants...
  11. chop_chop

    Help with coursework

    I think you are after the dewey system - which may explain why you are not having any luck with google
  12. chop_chop

    What to read next

    Hi there, As I am hopeless at choosing which book to read next, I thought I would ask you which one of the following you would read if you had the choice. Ash, A Secret History - Mary Gentle or A Game of Thrones - George RR Martin :)
  13. chop_chop

    April 2006 Reads

    I have read: Daggerspell - Katherine Kerr Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - JK Rowling Matilda - Roald Dahl and Dragonflight - Anne McCaffrey. What to read next.....I have got it narrowed...
  14. chop_chop

    How often do you read?

    I generally read every day. I always feel a bit lost without a book so I usually take one with me everywhere - even if I know that I probably won't get a chance to read it - you never can tell when you will be stuck waiting somewhere!
  15. chop_chop

    Katherine Kerr

    I have just started Daggerspell. Well actually I started it once before but I didnt concentrate 100% and got a little bit confused! SO I have had to start again and read a bit slower to take all the names and info in. I am about 65 pages it and I am really enjoying it so far. I am looking...
  16. chop_chop

    Recommendations for Historical Type Thrillers?

    Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. It is a novel about the grail again, but a million times better that the Da Vinci Code!
  17. chop_chop

    J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord Of The Rings

    If I remember rightly there is only one other Wizard named in Lord of the Rings - Radagast the Brown. Gandalf meets him when he leaves the Shire the summer before Frodo does. I believe that Radagast was under the power of Saruman at the time Gandalf met him, so he wouldn't have helped Gandalf...
  18. chop_chop

    Who is your favourite author, and why?

    Mine is Tolkien. There are lots of other authors who I really enjoy reading, but he is the one I come back to the most.
  19. chop_chop

    Where do you go to find out of print books?

    That was the first place I looked - I have tried two uni libraries and three county library services with no luck! At least I have started my research early and have got plenty of time to try and find them still!
  20. chop_chop

    Where do you go to find out of print books?

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, I haven't had any luck yet but I will keep going! :)