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Search results

  1. chop_chop

    Where do you go to find out of print books?

    I am just starting to research my dissertation and I am looking for "Elizabeth Siddal Pre Raphaelite Artist" by Jan Marsh and "The Poems and Drawings of Elizabeth Siddal" edited by RC Lewis and MC Lasner. I am just finding it trickier than I thought, I thought the first one at least would not...
  2. chop_chop

    Where do you go to find out of print books?

    Hello everyone, I am looking for two books at the moment, both of which seem to be out a print. I was just wondering where people went to try and find the books they want but are tricky to find. Any suggestions would be great :)
  3. chop_chop

    What is the longest book/work you've ever read?

    Mine would be The Lord of the Rings as well I think - without appendices and things, my copy has 1010 pages if I remember rightly!
  4. chop_chop

    Jonathan Safran Foer: Everything Is Illuminated

    I haven't read the book - but it is one I am going to read soon. I have seen the film and it is a wonderfully funny and bright film, despite the content. There are obviously some serious points, but the characters do shine through and it does not come across as a thoroughly depressing film by...
  5. chop_chop

    Your 10 favourite books of all time

    Mine would have to be something along the lines of 1) The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R.Tolkien 2) The Hobbit - J.R.R.Tolkien 3) A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens 4) The Finn Family Moonintroll - Tove Jansson 5) Girl With a Pearl Earring - Tracy Chevalier 6) The Harry Potter series - J.K...
  6. chop_chop

    boys books

    How about the Alex Rider series - my brother really enjoyed them and he has just turned 14 (they have been out for a few years though so they should be ok for someone a little younger). They are kind of like a young James Bond according to my bro. Lemony Snicket's books are great fun -...
  7. chop_chop

    Audrey Niffenegger: The Time Traveler's Wife

    Her new book sounds very interesting - I will see if I can get a copy from the library to have a look at. I will post another message when I have finished the book - then I can have a proper talk about it with those of you who missed the first thread. I don't know why I couldn'd find it...
  8. chop_chop

    Audrey Niffenegger: The Time Traveler's Wife

    The Time Traveler's Wife Sorry if there has already been some post about this book - I did have a look but couldn't seem to find anything. I am over half way through this book and I think it is lovely. It is quite unlike anything I have read before - and while at first the jumpy narrative...
  9. chop_chop

    Who else loathes..

    I really love Tolkien and his work. I am slowly working my way through the entire world that he created - it is not just The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, he made up a whole detailed history spanning many ages. I can re read The Hobbit and LOTR any day of the week and not get the slightest bit...
  10. chop_chop

    When do you buy, and when do you borrow?

    This is the same kind of thing that I do. If I know I am really going to enjoy a book - if it is something I have read before or by a trusted author - then I will buy it. But if it is something I am not too sure about I tend to use the library - then if I don't get on with it then I don't feel...
  11. chop_chop

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I have recently found bargins in the form of, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, Labyrinth by Kate Mosse, The Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb, The eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King and Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen Donaldson. Quite a lot to get through :D
  12. chop_chop

    Any other Dickens fans out there?

    Thanks - I will maybe get myself a couple more christmas stories for this christmas. :)
  13. chop_chop

    Tracy Chevalier: Girl With A Pearl Earring

    This is one of my favourite books, I have read it quite a few times. I love Chevailer's discriptions and as Vermeer is one of my favourite artists it was interesting to read about a fictional discription of his life, as not much is known about him.
  14. chop_chop

    Any other Dickens fans out there?

    I also read Christmas Carol every Christmas Eve - it really gets me in the festive mood! As for other of Dickens' work, I am afraid he bores me greatly. I love the stories he tells, but I cannot get past his writing style. I might have another go at some of my favourites, but he is not an...
  15. chop_chop

    Choice of two

    Thanks for the recommendations as well, I might buy the Assassin's apprentice then! :)
  16. chop_chop

    Choice of two

    Thanks for the links - I will go and read those threads too. :o
  17. chop_chop

    Choice of two

    I have got my eye on two fantasy books, The Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb and also Otherland by Tad Williams. I was just wondering if anyone here had read either book, and also which one people here preferred. I can't make up my mind on my own! :D
  18. chop_chop

    Your spouse/significant other's reading habits

    My boyfriend also loves to read, although he doesn't seems to read as much as me. He also likes to watch a little more TV and he quite often has a little bit of work to do after he gets home. So I usually read many more books than him, but it is one of our shared interests. We also have been...
  19. chop_chop

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    When I get my student loan I have a few fantasy books that have caught my eye, so I am looking foward to that! Recently I bought The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins for £1 and also Lady Chatterley's Lover by DH Lawrence for 75p. Bargin! :D
  20. chop_chop

    How often do you buy books?

    I haven't bought a book for so long - I am still waiting to be paid and also for my student loan to come which should be in the next week or so! Whoohoo! :D I can't wait to treat myself to a new book - I have been using the library a lot, which is no bad thing, but I love new books and...