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  1. chop_chop


    My name is a song by a band called Alfie who I really like, it is one of my favourite songs by them.
  2. chop_chop


    I am only a few chapters in, but I am really enjoying it. It has been recommended to me a few times now, so hopefully it will continue to be grand! :)
  3. chop_chop


    Hi everyone, thought it would be polite to come and say hello. So hello everyone! :)
  4. chop_chop

    top five on your TBR list?

    I have the following books waiting to be read, but whether they will be read next or whether something else will appear begging to be read first is anyone's guess: Lady Chatterley's Lover - DH Lawrence The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins Some books always jump the queue if I am in the mood for...
  5. chop_chop

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I have a flyer advertising Alfie's new album as a book mark at the moment, although I am also using a new bookmark that was given to me the other day, it has lots of beads on it so it doesn't really fit in the books very well!