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Search results

  1. R

    July 2011: Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway

    I envy your enthusiasm - so far it seems like pretty relentless prose - however I shall persevere. More like something I would have to read for an English Lit exam.:rolleyes:
  2. R


    Hi Ken Holtz: Hope you find what you're looking for on the forum - lots of different interests in books, many erudite people in the forum - not including myself in that - I'm more the common and garden type of reader, nothing too deep or brain spraining but I enjoy reading, currently have a...
  3. R

    Last seen...

    Just watched a remake of Flight of the Phoenix where they crash in the desert and they build a plane out of the crashed one and materials in the cargo bay by following the directions of a young man who builds only model planes. Just as good the second time around. The man who is Dr. House on...
  4. R

    Hi there

    Hello Mark - Hope you enjoy the forum.
  5. R

    July 2011: Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway

    I will try to get a copy from our local library and get in on the discussion too. Library closed today for Canada Day but can still access the catalogue.
  6. R

    Favourite Poems

    Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village, though. He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the wood and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He...
  7. R

    Recently Finished

    I think Boom Boom is playing hockey in that great hockey rink in the sky - he wouldn't be down this way anyway, we're Maple Leaf and Canuck fans not Montreal Canadiens. Besides, Boom Boom was better looking than this other guy despite his broken nose. :D
  8. R

    Recently Finished

    Hi ricko: You mean I can stop worrying about that fellow that walks by wearing a black cape and has his hair slicked back? :blink:
  9. R

    Recently Finished

    Hi again Ricko: I saw on the book cover that it was part of a trilogy - looks like I'm going to have a busy summer - glad that I had my glasses cranked up a bit last time at the optometrist - I'll be needing them. I sure hope that Vlad isn't still around, however, there is a peculiar looking...
  10. R

    Recently Finished

    Hi Ricko: Was Vlad the Impaler a vampire? I know he was pretty nasty anyway - too scary for me - I prefer contemporary violence:innocent: You should see the book I got from the library today, forgot that I had requested it - it's Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. It has near a 1000 pages and I...
  11. R


    Hello Atlas from another Canuck. Hope you enjoy the forum. :)
  12. R

    Recently Finished

    Just finished The Journeyman Tailor by Gerald Seymour - about the Provisional IRA and Britain's M15. Pretty horrible the lengths both sides went to to achieve their perceived objectives. The hatred of the Irish for the English is portrayed starkly. One of the Irish operatives in London causes...
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    Recently Finished

    Hi Ricko: Have always been an avid reader - mostly read in the evenings as I don't watch much telly. Household chores and gardening are daytime activities but evenings are reading time. Hubby watches the baseball games in the family room and I have the living room to myself. Heaven for me is...
  14. R

    Multimedia delicious oozing words!

    Hi Wolf: Just wondered if you would give me some insight into your really different writing - what genre would you consider this to be under?
  15. R

    Writer's showcase - I am a book

    Thanks for the response Wolf. :)
  16. R

    Recently Finished

    Hi Zhizara: Will be on the lookout for Disturbed at the book exchange I go to. Thanks for the tip.
  17. R

    Recently Finished

    Just finished The Last Victim by Kevin O'Brien, a good thriller, had me guessing right up until the last few pages and even the last page had a surprise. Haven't read anything by him before but will certainly look for more of his books once I get through the pile of library books I took out...
  18. R

    The Bacon Ipsum Generator

    "but dragging its heels in the past" - sounds like me. Thanks for the Flikr pics Stewart. Lived in Glasgow during WWII - so I'm part of the older set. Went back for a visit in 2002 with hubby - a bit of nostalgia.
  19. R

    The Bacon Ipsum Generator

    Hi Stewart - good to see a fellow countryman in the posts. How is dear old Glasgow these days. Used to spend my Sunday afternoons at the Art Gallery when I was a youngster. Anyway, have been reading the foregoing and don't think I'll catch on to baconese any time soon - however, it was...
  20. R

    Novels with goodness

    Hello and welcome woutwolf - also thanks Peder and mmyap - I too have made a list of your suggestions and am going to see if I can get them from the library, the ones I haven't already read. Always looking for different authors especially ones with an upbeat flavour. I can search the library...