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  1. R

    Random Image Thread

    Wow - that lightning pic is amazing. Do you figure the Inferno thing was for a movie stunt? Liked the little guy rolling around slapping the floor. That other guy seems to have got caught on the horn of his own dilemma.
  2. R

    Recently Finished

    Closer than Blood - Gregg Olsen Just finished the book Closer than Blood by Gregg Olsen. Really disappointing, improbable and convoluted plot, not up to his usual standard of writing. I usually enjoy his books but this one just didn't have it. Kept thinking it would get better but no such...
  3. R

    Random Image Thread

    Really weird - where do you find these clips?
  4. R

    New Authors

    Hi Vick: Don't know what kind of books you like but I've read a number of Luanne Rice's books, they have been in a beach type setting, and I've really enjoyed them although I usually like mysteries, thrillers, detective stories etc. Haven't read any of Nora Roberts but she seems to be very...
  5. R

    Recently Finished

    Have just finished The Book Of Ebenezer Le Page by G. B. Edwards. I was sorry when I arrived at the last page - it was a fairly long book about a man who lives all of his life on the Island of Guernsey and covers the era of World War I and WWII. Had trouble getting into it but once it caught...
  6. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Thanks for your response Dude. I have given up on the book for now - maybe if I run out of reading material will pick it up again but I think it's a goner.:rolleyes:
  7. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Have given up on trying to read Love in the Time of Cholera. Was finding it a bit tiresome, however, I have marked the page I was at and maybe when I pick it up next time I'll find it more interesting (or maybe it will just sit there).:rolleyes:
  8. R


    Hi Stephanie: Hope you enjoy the forum.:flowers:
  9. R

    Recently Finished

    Hi Ricko - thanks for the information. The only one of Roth's books I have read was Portnoy's Complaint and didn't care for it. Maybe I should have a look at some of the more recent ones. Some folks on another forum were really surprised that he won the Booker prize.
  10. R

    The Human Centipede

    Wrong film title in my previous post - should be "The End of Days" -
  11. R

    The Human Centipede

    Hi Anamnesis: I think I was reacting to this one although I really don't care for horror movies - I have watched some when I was a younger. I did watch a movie, caught it about half way through (on our new free movie channel) yesterday - The End of Time - with Arnold Schwazzeneger (or however...
  12. R

    The Human Centipede

    I wonder why - do you folks really enjoy this kind of stuff? Reeely creeepy! The stuff of nightmares or am I just a sissy?
  13. R

    Recently Finished

    Is this the one he won the Booker prize for?
  14. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Recently purchased from our book exchange store Love in the Time of Cholera. Has anyone read this book and if so would you give me an opinion on it. I'm up to about page 85 and it's a bit of a struggle - not my usual read but have been told it's a wonderful book. Any comments?:confused:
  15. R

    Adam Mansbach: Go The **** To Sleep

    I don't think a book of this kind would ever have had a lot of readership when our children were small - I guess we weren't in the era of 'anything goes' at that time. :rolleyes:
  16. R

    Favourite Poems

    She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace...
  17. R

    New Tom Clancy

    Thanks for the info Sparkchaser - I like Tom Clancy - is this his own book or is he writing in tandem with someone else. The price at Amazon for a hardback sounds like a good deal.
  18. R

    Angry Wooden Box

    The Angry Wooden Box is a hoot - a touch of The Exorcist got in there near the end I think.
  19. R


    Hi Loren: Hope you enjoy the forum. :)
  20. R

    Multimedia delicious oozing words!

    Hi Wolf: Your poetry, word picture, is really quite unusual.