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Search results

  1. R

    Danielle Steel

    I have found that Danielle Steel's novels have great entertainment value. Everyone seems to be beautiful, have lots of money, lots of jewellery, and lives in an entirely different world from most of us. It's fanstasy but I must say I've enjoyed just about all of her books that I have read...
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    Bad non-fiction that you've recently read

    Haven't read any non-fiction, bad or good, in the last year but I really intend to one of these days, hope it's good though. momac :)
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    5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet

    Thanks pontalba: Just looked at my USB location and there are two ports - maybe the other port would have worked but I think I would go for a Kindle if I decided to go ahead. Had a horrendous evening as our cable company, which has gone digital, came and installed digital boxes on our three...
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    5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet

    Thanks for the information Alix - next question - you mention a wireless network - I am currently on mid range speed with cable - I don't think that's what you're meaning though - is it that Wii thingy (or whatever the terminology is)that folks use when using their laptops in locations other...
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    5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet

    Have been reading with interest the points of view with regard to e-books (seems like Kindle is the most prominent) and have some questions. I don't have an e-book, did bring home a Kobe from Chapters with a huge fold out sheet of instructions on how to download and found that some element was...
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    Post-Apocalyptic! End of the World books

    Glad to hear it Will, I guess you need a break from technical texts - sounds like you've got a whole spectrum of reading matter. momac :D
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    Post-Apocalyptic! End of the World books

    Hello Will: How do you sleep at night after all that horror, spooky read, apocalyptic scary stuff, etc? momac :blink:
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    Hello, from Missoula, Montana

    Hello from Missoula Hello PrincessFiona60: Like your fancy forum name. Hope you enjoy the forum. momac :)
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    Newby from Mtn House, California

    Newbie from Mtn. House Hi drdin: Your books sound interesting - are they available in paper form or just e-book? momac
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    Hi Sparkchaser: Do you have a new dog friend? I can't imagine our home without dogs - we have had several during our marriage (we have been married 53 years) - just love dogs and cats too but can't have a cat with the dog door - get fined for letting cats roam and a cat could easily scale our...
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    Moonlight Mile - Dennis Lehane

    Moonlight Mile Thanks for the info 753 - will have a look for it at the library - have read Gone Baby Gone - I like Lehane. :) momac
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    Recently Finished

    Twisted by Andrea Kane - romantic suspense - not a bad plot, not a guy read, some hot and steamy sex (read here 'improbable") which doesn't add to the plot and is kind of tiresome but is probably necessary for the book to be classed as romantic. Lots of FBI, BAU, NYPD involvement...
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    Just realized that Toby is probably still around - just assumed he was in doggy heaven. Sorry if I got it wrong. momac:blush:
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    Thanks Sparkchaser: Did read the Chuck Norris article - always watched his movies and still would if any of them come up on telly. He was in a series where he was a sheriff or other official and I watched that - didn't think he was a great actor but he was always entertaining. When our boys...
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    Thanks drdin - all is now clear (for the moment!) As I said to Sparkchaser, I often wondered what the little sayings were at the end of a post and now I know. One lives and learns, hopefully. momac :flowers:
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    Got it Sparkchaser - wondered what those little sayings at the end of your posts were all about but figured everyone but me knew so didn't ask. So why is that your signature, do those sayings have a particular meaning for you, or is that too personal a question? What is the Rio Bird app on...
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    Recently Finished

    Hi Brk 3: Thought I had posted by reply but guess I didn't - it disappeared into cyberspace. I have avoided his books but maybe this one isn't too much of a shocker for me - will have a look at the library. momac :)
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    Writer's showcase - I am a book

    I am a book Thank you Fate: Now if only I could get back to writing a bit I would probably enjoy doing it but I seem to be stuck in the 'reading only' mode. :sad:
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    Hello, I just joined

    Hi Jazzy, like your name, welcome - I joined fairly recently and I hope you enjoy the forum as much as I do. I'm learning as I go about this brave new world. I've been retired 10 years and find that technology has left me behind but am slowly picking up snippets of information. Look forward...
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    Hi Sparkchaser: Thanks for responding - have never seen that V l l signature after your posts before (or is that just an example) and have just now realized that I don't have to put my forum name at the end of my posts. However, having said that are you saying that folks could get ticked off...