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  1. R


    Hello drdin: Am a fairly new member of this forum and retired for 10 years so am not too familiar with a lot of the new technology and terms which appear in the posts and do not understand what it is that you are meaning, signatures do not interfere with the message as much as the text of the...
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    Recently Finished

    Hi Brk 3 - Is that Dean Koontz book a horror one? That's what he usually writes isn't it? Haven't read any of his books for some time but am always open to suggestions if they aren't too horrifying. momac :)
  3. R

    Flying soon? Watch what you read.

    Flying soon...... Hi Alix: I guess that could work but would it look suspicious??? Was thinking of the movie I watched a while back - Executive Decision - and the fellow counting his diamonds in a case almost got shot by the Swat team, or whatever those fellows were who were skulking around in...
  4. R

    Writer's showcase - I am a book

    I am a book..... Hello again LAgs: What do you write about - I envy you your dedication and hope it bears fruit for you - keep up the good work. All the best. momac:)
  5. R

    Which Was the Last Book You Read in One Sitting?

    Last book you read in one sitting Many years ago I sat up all night reading The Thorn Birds - finished it at 5:00 a.m. had a couple of hours sleep then blearily went to work. Don't have that kind of stamina now although I sometimes stay up until 1 - 1:30 and feel kind of grumpy the next...
  6. R

    Writer's showcase - I am a book

    Writers Showcase - I am a book Thanks LAgs - sometimes I wish I could get back in a writing frame of mind but lack the incentive - would rather read what others have written. Good luck with James Joyce, is it pretty hard going with that stream of consciousness writing? Haven't read it -...
  7. R

    Writer's showcase - I am a book

    Was riffling through material I wrote for a creative writing course and came across a poem which I thought was in line with a book forum; I am a book, much scanned, never read With corners dog-eared from curious but uncaring hands In anticipation I await a reader who will unfold my pages...
  8. R

    SILENT COUNSEL - "A complex story and heart-pounding climax."

    Silent Counsel Thanks - will give the Amazon other vendor thing a try. momac
  9. R

    SILENT COUNSEL - "A complex story and heart-pounding climax."

    Silent Counsel Amazon.ca just wanted me to order the book and they would send me one when it became available - no timeline given. I don't have an e-book - tried one and didn't have the required program or whatever on my computer to download it to get it going so back it went to the store. I...
  10. R

    Flying soon? Watch what you read.

    Flying soon....... Had a bout of insomnia so thought I'd read some of the posts I don't generally follow and find that you folks get into some really heavy stuff. I guess carrying a book on Sharia Law would be a no-no on a flight? momac :innocent:
  11. R

    After A long Stint With BAR I Am Calling It Quits.

    After a long stint etc........ I'm glad it's banter, I wasn't sure if you were serious. Irish humour I guess, hmm? momac :whistling:
  12. R

    SILENT COUNSEL - "A complex story and heart-pounding climax."

    Silent Counsel I didn't twig to the fact that it was your own book that you were writing about. Anyway, logged on to Amazon.ca and the book is unavailable - it can be ordered and sent out when available. Why is it not available when it was written in 2007? Our library doesn't carry it...
  13. R

    Hello - I'm a newbie from Canada

    I'm a newbie etc. I hope you get your BA with honours, best of luck and I won't listen to the Amsterdam dude on Youtube - have never even looked through it - my e-mail friends see to it that I get kept up to date with what they think I should be watching. momac :lol:
  14. R

    Film and TV

    Film & TV HI Brk 3: Yes - I forgot the US is on Farenheit - sounds like you've got more heat than us. We have the air on already - my perfect temp is around 68-70 degrees then I'm happy. Yes, I liked Clear and Present Danger, in fact any time any of these movies turn up on the History...
  15. R

    SILENT COUNSEL - "A complex story and heart-pounding climax."

    Silent Counsel Can hardly wait to get a copy - sounds intriguing. momac :)
  16. R

    Film and TV

    :rolleyes:Had a break from books this weekend, weather was really dreary, rain, rain and some more. Happened to be flicking channels and noticed that Patriot Games was on the History Channel, have seen it several times before but it always entertains me - I like Tom Clancy and the books made...
  17. R

    After A long Stint With BAR I Am Calling It Quits.

    After a long stint..... Hi LAgs: Your comments to Carlos are tongue in cheek aren't they? momac:innocent:
  18. R

    Hello - I'm a newbie from Canada

    Hello - I'm a newbie...... Hi Polly Parrot: Not too up on symbolism but will recognize it in future - Your'e quite a bit further away from the US than I am - do you live in the Netherlands permanently or are you going to university there....and is that a picture of you at the beginning of your...
  19. R

    After A long Stint With BAR I Am Calling It Quits.

    After a Long Stint...... Hello Carlos: I haven't been a member very long but the posts I have seen of yours quite often gave me a chuckle - sorry you're going - best of luck. momac :flowers:
  20. R

    Hello - I'm a newbie from Canada

    Hello I'm a newbie Hi Polly Parrot: Loved yours Smileys - no need for tanks - we really are quite friendly. momac :eek: