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Search results

  1. Oberon

    Advice on Stephen Donaldson - Gap Series

    SRD Puts the Anti in Antihero I absolutely love Donaldson and think the Gap series is terrific. But the opening story involves rape and brutality of the heroine--almost like those bodice ripper romances without the romance! Donaldson doesn't specialize in particularly likable...
  2. Oberon

    Science Fiction

    To fully appreciate Forever Wars, Starship Troopers should be read first. Other recommendations: two new books by solid writers. Bones of the Earth by Michael Swanwick. Jurassic Park meets time travel. A group of paleontologists is marooned in the Mezazoic, developing a startling theory...
  3. Oberon

    King Arthur

    Another classic trilogy is by Mary Stewart: The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The Last Enchantment.
  4. Oberon

    new forum

    Looken Good Haven't visited in a looong time! Really like the "refined" look! Keep up the good work! O
  5. Oberon

    Another looking for something new post.

    Great big "I'll second thats" to Donaldson's Covenant and Gap series, and to Gene Wolf's Urth of the New Sun. I also like SRD's two-part series Mirror of Her Dream/A Man Rides Through. O
  6. Oberon

    Can someone recommend a good epic?

    Roger Zelazny left us all too early! Hope you like Corwin and company! O
  7. Oberon

    And then they all died

    A corollary Some excellent series have come up short--the Riverworld books by Philip Jose Farmer come to mind: the first two were excellent and somehow the third book fell flat. It was a long time ago, but I don't recall even finishing it ... The Seventh Son series by one of my favorite...
  8. Oberon

    Battletech books. Any good?

    Not great literature, but ... Actually, the Battletech animated series was based the books which were published to support the role-playing games of the same name. The books provided players with background for the large universe in which the game is played. Many books were written by...
  9. Oberon

    Can someone recommend a good epic?

    Amber novels Roger Zelazny's Amber novels might be right up your alley. A family of princes who can shift the elements to create "shadow" worlds, but who battle over who will reign over Amber, which casts the shadows. The first five books are the strongest, but I've seen all ten in one volume. O
  10. Oberon

    Reading in February

    I've been on a catch up with King Arthur fest: Once and Future King by T. H. White (January) Crystal Cave and Hollow Hills by Mary Stewart (with The Last Enchantment next month) Figure Mists of Avalon will come after that. Finishing Impossible Odds by Dave Duncan (King's Blades book)...
  11. Oberon

    Sci-fi A-Z

    Following W with .... Xenocide--Orson Scott Card, third book in Ender cycle I love this writer but he has a tendency to run out of steam on his series novels. Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead were great standalone novels that happened to continue a great story, but X is a mess without...
  12. Oberon

    Favorite Comic Book Character

    Technically ... ... Calvin & Hobbes is from a comic strip... If it boils down to one character from a comic book, I'd take Ben Grimm, the Thing from the Fantastic Four. I still have the issue where having been stripped of his powers and a normal person, he is restored much to his dismay and...
  13. Oberon

    favorite fantasy author

    I think you're trolling there, kinkie! :D Dave Duncan is good and he's versatile within the fantasy genre, with his latest series on the King's Blades an excellent study of honor and duty. Stephen R. Donaldson's short story collection Reave the Just and Other Tales shows he can put...
  14. Oberon

    has there been any movie that was......

    Voice over Not so much whether the voice over was necessary or not--especially the early narrations sounded as if Ford didn't understand what he was reading! And Ridley Scott should have sat down and chatted with Ford about that! O
  15. Oberon

    has there been any movie that was......

    Interesting Choices The Shining I remember reading somewhere that Kubrick would phone King at odd hours and ask him cryptic questions about his beliefs. "Do you believe in the supernatural?" and my thought at the time was did he even read the book? I really liked the scene where the wife...
  16. Oberon

    The Auel series in movies...?

    Take away the sex and what have you got? Agreed! Valley of the Horses was terrific until Yondalar showed up--I'm sure I'm in the minority in that opinion, and the series has always carried a strong savage romance taint to my mind ...Mammoth Hunters was intriguing in details but again such...
  17. Oberon

    Bond - The Films vs The Books

    As I understand it, Fleming wrote for travel magazines, even published a book of his articles on exotic locations, so he was among the first writers to do product placement as part of authenticating his stories. Stephen King is a master of the art and probably was influenced... I have...
  18. Oberon


    I agree. I liked it for what it was, it attempted to be character-driven rather than pacing between set pieces. It was darker than I remember the earliest DD comics, so maybe it was early DD tempered by the later Miller stuff? What's the source of your sig, BTW? O _______ We invented...
  19. Oberon

    Jurrasic Park

    Last and least ... You also left out The Lost World, Crichton's title for Jurassic Park 2. Absolutely terrible how the so-called heroes are dumber than the so-called villians in the movie ... then Spielberg decides to place the TRex in San Diego for the fun of it--no respect for the book at...
  20. Oberon

    Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! I have you now!

    Master Eremis From Stephen R. Donaldson's "Morant's Need" series, Master Eremis fits the bill of arrogant and slimey villian very well. He has abolutely no redeeming qualities save for his speechcraft that allows him to play so many people off one another while he weaves their downfall. Backed...