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  1. Oberon

    VOTE for The Book Forum Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy List

    I've got some more: Adams: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - 8 Duncan, Dave: Impossible Odds - 8 Duncan, Dave: Paragon Lost - 8 Duncan, Dave: Jaguar Knights - 8 Neil Gaiman: Neverwhere - 8 Heinlein: Job: A Comedy of Justice - 6 Heinlein: Glory Road - 8 Heinlein: The Man Who...
  2. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Things have been shaken up pretty thoroughly at Hogwarts, anyway, with the OWLS in book five getting fairly short shrift. The Weasley brothers drop out ... And Harry has as much as stated he isn't going back. Rowling isn't getting a lot of heat that I know of for these discrepancies. It isn't my...
  3. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Argh! I read it somewhere among these topics but canna find it now! :o It's interesting that so many faculty of Hogwarts are turning out to be shapeshifters: McGonnagal and Snape, along with Lupis ...
  4. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    That could be the key--almost wrote "crux" but that could have been confusing ;) --to the whole question. It certainly leaves Snape free of any responsibility for sparing Harry as long as Snape gets revenge on Voldemort. BTW: Snape is not Harry's father. All parties have been described fairly...
  5. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Not up to speed on the Boggart/Patronus thing ... so Snape is a shapeshifter, too? Anyway, I'm onboard with the theory about Snape in terms of his one-sided affection for Lilly. But back it up: he wants Voldemort to pay. Vengeance is Snape's game. He understands perhaps better than even...
  6. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Yeah, and Peter Parker wasn't going to endanger Mary Jane, either, and he still married her. (Movie-wise, at least ...) There is a death thread, so I'm going to reluctantly let go of that and stick with the "will Harry return to Hogwarts ... " I am torn ... Rowling has really gone through as...
  7. Oberon

    The New Thomas Covenant books.

    Anticipating more on wish than fact, that a second book in the third chronicles is forthcoming, I reread the whole magilla, and must admit that Runes was better than I remembered, and while it was different, the "trial" in Revelstone at the end of the story does carry some emotional depth as the...
  8. Oberon

    Best SF/F of the Year thread?

    Of a book published this year, Runes of the Earth by SR Donaldson and Accelerando by Charles Stoss, the latter, for sure, being a 2005 book, and classic cyberpunk novel.
  9. Oberon

    So what is it about Harry Potter that you like?

    I was right about the Sox! The Chicago White Sox, the World Series Champion White Sox! Uhhhh, back to the topic at hand .... :D
  10. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Thumbs up, JA, I like the way you think! It would greatly disappoint me if Snape is really a bad guy ...
  11. Oberon

    The New Thomas Covenant books.

    Hold on! I'd rate that level of disappointment as not getting a Bentley and settling for a Lexus ... :D There is always a little trepidation when a writer goes to the same well again. However, the return to the Land that occurred in the Second Chronicles actually raised the bar and expanded upon...
  12. Oberon

    The New Thomas Covenant books.

    Rather than start a new thread, and assuming there isn't another one more dedicated to RUnES ... I must admit a mild disappointment with the first book. The Wounded Land, the first book in the second series, was rivetting and with the culmination of the Camorra in Seareach, Donaldson really set...
  13. Oberon

    Space sci-fi with a compelling story

    The Gap series by Stephen R. Donaldson is about as compelling as it gets! As good as the Covenant books, too.
  14. Oberon

    Scifi and Fantasy: Where do we draw the line?

    I think he's right, too! :D :D :D
  15. Oberon

    Harry dies not spoiler just speculation

    Sorry I'm not blanking out this response to someone's Spoiler, but there'd be nothing else to read. The thread already warns about such things ... The idea of Harry as a horcrux is definitely plausible and very fatal to surviving the last book, no question. There is a logic to it as people...
  16. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    He may very well break the curse, but since it's the final book, it's moot whether he keeps the job ... Sincerely doubt this is going to happen. Have you read Stephen King's Misery? Rowling would need bodyguards for the rest of her life. (I mean it lightly, but afraid it's serious in this day...
  17. Oberon

    Scifi and Fantasy: Where do we draw the line?

    What I meant by "technology" here is that there is a consistency to the way magic works: a wand is brandished, words spoken, bim badda boom. The "technology" of how mirrors were built and used magically was a very palpable aspect to Stephen R. Donaldson's Mordant series. You have not, perhaps...
  18. Oberon

    Best book to movie?

    Dunno ... while I liked "Relic," it moved the location from the New York museum which was just as much a character as anything else in the book ... to the Chicago Field Museum!! :eek: I would go with Jaws. Spielberg cut to the chase, leaving out the affair between the Brody's wife and the...
  19. Oberon

    Dean Koontz

    I really liked his books about the blind guy ... forget that series titles ... but I picked up Frankenstein. It was verra strange, veering wildly in tone from character set to character set ... and I kept hoping the short episodic style would smooth out ... then it ended with the promise of...