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  1. Oberon

    Preston & Child

    I'll take the blame, gladly! I don't particularly like the short choppy chapter style that seems to be the norm for American writers now. Relic is early vintage, too, and they get better style-wise and such, tho I think their storytelling exceeds their dialogue and character building. I'm...
  2. Oberon

    Mr. Potter's contribution to fantasy literature

    You are aware, of course, that the "editor" who was asked to recommend publication of the Lord of the Rings was the eleven-year-old son of the publisher, right? ;) The Chronicles of Narnia are dedicated to C. S. Lewis's goddaughter ... Whereever one's sense of wonder is entertained, you...
  3. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Rowling has so much to do to complete the series in the next book that the last thing she needs to add to the list is a travelogue of the wizarding world outside of Hogwarts! I think he'll start at Grimmaud Place when he "comes of age" and inherits it. He can evict the Black "spies" and give it...
  4. Oberon

    Harry dies not spoiler just speculation

    The best way for Rowling to put a period to going beyond the seven books is to write a compelling book about something else. She can do it. Many writers have been able to get beyond big success early in their careers, altho there are cases in the other direction as well. And maybe she can just...
  5. Oberon

    Scifi and Fantasy: Where do we draw the line?

    Magic could be considered a technology--the real genre difference is basis in scientific fact and principles, in terms of world-building, technologies, and even in lifeforms. The SF author usually hangs his premises for every aspect of his story on scientific theories, whereas the fantasy author...
  6. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Been away from this thread awhile and enjoyed catching up ... Was DD pleading with Snape to prevent Malfoy from doing something irrevocable (killing DD)? Malfoy has a big role yet to play and DD and Snape have assured him of surviving a little longer at great cost. Has Rowling served up...
  7. Oberon

    Time travel

    Short story by Ray Bradbury, "Sound of Thunder" is also being made into a movie ... not sure which collection it's in ... about hunting dinosaurs and time paradox.
  8. Oberon

    So what is it about Harry Potter that you like?

    Good point. The only other person it seems she had "private" talks with was Viktor Krum, hardly a powderroom companion ... She clearly eschews the behavior and tics of the likes of Lavender Brown and such, but it is good to know she has female confidantes.
  9. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie

    Pretty sure LOTR was PG-13 and had no trouble with box office ...
  10. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    You're welcome! We should prolly mention that some speculating has already occurred on the HP and the HBP - Discussion s*p*o*i*l*e*r thread ...
  11. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Another good question, in light of the above posts: what is the role of the OoP in book 7? Who's going to take charge of the Order? If McGonigal is for headmastering Hogwarts, I doubt she'll also inherit the helm of the OoP, so who's in charge?
  12. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie

    I was glad to see that SPEW has disappeared from books 5 and 6! I would also imagine that the whole Quidditch World Cup thing will be gone or incredibly truncated ... two major contests in one movie? Not likely.
  13. Oberon

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Hey, this is h_carnahan's party (post) and she can do whatever she wants! We have such a long wait, why not speculate! Hogwarts is a foundation of the Potter series, so I can't see that Harry won't be back just on that basis, but there are reasons as well, since the hunt for Voldy's horcruxes...
  14. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie

    I've said this elsewhere, but it would be an excellent marketing move to make the best 130-minute version of GOF as they can, but shoot 160 miuntes for an Extended release for DVD. Everyone wins. How could they possibly lose money? Adaptations always require some trims, and most people can...
  15. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    That's a good point. I think the horcruxes are already created. I don't think it's something that V can store away. Hence, there's likely a Gryffindor relic that we haven't been told. Too many loose threads at Hogwarts for Harry to go off on his own; he'll be back. As I have hypothesized, he's...
  16. Oberon

    Books to Movies?

    I'd like to see sci-fi channel take on David Brin's Uplift series ... imagine dolphins and chimpanzees as featured characters! No way would this work through as a movie, but possibly a series ... A more realistic expectation would be John Varley's Red Thunder, unless he has been completely...
  17. Oberon

    So what is it about Harry Potter that you like?

    I'll take this one: Hell Yeah! I wouldn't say Rowling has taken anything from LOTR as much as she's revived a format, the training camp/prep school background, with elements from Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew adolescent books with a great shot of sorcery and a very fine understanding of the...
  18. Oberon

    Rate the new Potter book here

    I can't tell if it really was the book that felt rushed or me--the events just pile up so quickly! I thought she pared down on details that sometimes dragged in other books, particularly in 5 and 3 ... And you have to rate the first book at the top or why bother reading the rest? My rating...
  19. Oberon

    Favourite Fantasy Worlds

    From fantasy: Amber, The Land, Mordant (from Doanldson's The Mirror of Her Dreams/A Man Rides Through), and Narnia.
  20. Oberon

    Suggestion for Thriller Author/Story

    Thomas Perry is a terrific writer of thrillers. If you'd like a series, his Jane Whitefield novels are excellent. She is a Seminole Indian woman who helps people to vanish and the details and the unraveling of her security measures are part of the thrills. These books include Dance for the Dead...