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  1. Oberon

    Snape: a question

    Okay ... one last attempt here ... Is everyone from Gryffindor good? (I would point to Percy as an exception.) Hufflepuff? Ravensclaw? There's a total imbalance so the whole point of House Slytherin is to shape and produce bad people. A three-to-one ratio is something we can live with say the...
  2. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie

    I have no inside information whatever ... :( just a hope that these people can learn ...
  3. Oberon

    Dean Koontz

    I just finished Frankenstein and liked it. Not as much as the Chris Snow books, but it holds a lot of promise and I will get the next book in August if it's a paperback original ...
  4. Oberon

    Dean Koontz

    Don't feed the Troll!
  5. Oberon

    Which book scared you?

    SK is the master, no doubt about it, but something about Pet Sematary crossed the line and really creeped me out. The idea of the little boy ... and the way he wholeheartedly admits through foreshadowing "you're not gonna like this" is part of his trademark, I guess. He really "channeled" Edgar...
  6. Oberon

    Preston & Child

    I don't know ... Pendergast is an acquired taste. He's a throwback to pulp fiction, I like to think, in the Doc Savage/Fu Manchu line blended to Sherlock Holmes. Cabinet went over the top, I think, but Crows and Brimstone have levelled him off to a degree. I must admit, I like the...
  7. Oberon

    Do you think Dumbledore will die?

    Dumbledore = Gandalf. Read LOTR for answers ... ;)
  8. Oberon

    Snape: a question

    Much as I love Ron, I don't take his word as being unimpeachable evidence of Slytherin's reputation. Snape may very well be an example of a redeemed Slytherin ... If everyone coming out of Slytherin was going to turn out bad, why would Dumbledore or the Ministry allow the house to continue...
  9. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie

    There is something that could be done related to the handling of LOTR and that is film with the intent of having an Extended version for DVD. It's dicey for theaters to handle four-hour movies in terms of lesser ticket sales versus a two-hour movie no matter how much the audience is "built in."...
  10. Oberon

    Aunt Petunia *SPOILERS*

    h_carnahan apparently thinks Cornelius Fudge is on his way out because he mishandled the reappearance of the Death Eaters. Is the position similar to BG's Prime Minister and open to election? This really doesn't have much to do with Aunt Petunia, unless Uncle Vern is a potential candidate ... :p
  11. Oberon

    SF vs Sci-Fi

    Dune is SF not fantasy. Herbert based his world/universe building on ecological principles--there was no invention of the science (magic) underlying Dune's ecology. If some of the concepts seemed magical it's kinda like going back in time and showing primitive people television or cameras.
  12. Oberon

    Whats so good about Harry potter?

    Amen! Just ponder this: you've seen the print runs and the sales figures for HP books. That's a very very tiny percentage of the world population able to read. And it is nearly a singular sales figure. Most books sell in tiny tiny percentages of that number. :(
  13. Oberon

    The problem with your average fantasy novel...

    Actually, what bothers me more about the AFN than the funny names is there seem to be so many "orphans" and this before the past 30 years of American cultural deterioration of the nuclear family ... Frodo was an orphan! Somehow, heroism is a function of disfunctional family life.
  14. Oberon

    SF vs Sci-Fi

    And what's wrong with the kitchen!! :mad: :o
  15. Oberon

    Snape: a question

    Rereading this thread after having reread GoF and OotP, I feel Rowling has been as explicit as possible in stating that Snape was a Slytherin as a student. I get the impression that some posters think that everyone coming out of Slytherin turns out a bad egg, Death Eaters all, and I don't...
  16. Oberon

    The Masters of Hard-Boiled Detectives

    :rolleyes: Aw, Shucks! I'm getting a warm, fuzzy feeling! I'm glad everybody's liking this thread! You can't miss, though, with the likes of Chandler and Hammett! If you like Ray, you gotta try Dash!
  17. Oberon

    SF vs Sci-Fi

    Somehow seeing "Sci-Fi" makes me cringe a bit. Some of us old-timers like to make a distinction, purely out of snobbery and a feeling of superioity no doubt, that SF doesn't need a nickname ... SF = Clarke, Heinlein, Card, Niven, Asimov Sci-Fi= L. Ron Hubbard, Alan Dean Foster, Jack Chalker...
  18. Oberon

    The problem with your average fantasy novel...

    nhio; dgr mjocbg werfth Works for me!
  19. Oberon

    Preston & Child

    Yes, got it from the library a few years back. It involved an enclosed entertainment park and the computer-controlled security and rides threatened by an eco-terrorist. Much like a Crichton thriller but without the didactics, which I enjoy about Crichton almost as much as his stories ...
  20. Oberon

    Preston & Child

    Preston has a good one out now called The Codex; kinda Indiana Jones-ish. Child wrote last year's "Utopia" Disneyland-esque disaster novel. Anyone else have comments?