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Search results

  1. Oberon

    Mallory Books by Carol O'Connell

    Let's give another it try, folks!
  2. Oberon

    TBF Top 100 Scifi List Discussion

    Sorry to have just walked off! And very much: THANKS for all this work you've done! Average out the Great Book of Amber to be an 8, since I gave Corwin a 9 and Merlin a 7. Question: if we add on, do we do a new post or edit our original vote list?
  3. Oberon

    Looking for Fantasy Lovers' Expertise

    I second the motion on Guy Gavriel Kay, adding the Saratine Mosaic (2 volumes) to recommended reading.
  4. Oberon

    Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    One thing that really disappoints me about this series of movies is the lack of confidence in following Peter Jackson's lead and filming an Extended version for DVD. I really hope they attempt this for Goblet and Phoenix where there is so much going on ...
  5. Oberon

    Aunt Petunia *SPOILERS*

    Agreed. However, is the blood protection still valid? In Goblet, it was mentioned that since Harry's blood was part of the invocation used to ressurect V, he was able to touch Harry without harm. My Dudley=half prince is half joking, but I wonder if we won't be seeing the Dursley's because the...
  6. Oberon

    Would you EVER start a fantasy series in the middle?

    Wouldn't do it on purpose, but again, there are examples of "series" where the storyline isn't quite so strict. There are "standalone" books of the King's Blades series by Dave Duncan that can be read without having read the previous books. The first three books would be better enjoyed read in...
  7. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    Having just finished another read of OotP, I should point out that Dumbledore does explain the "bloodedness" of Harry and Voldemort pretty succinctly, and the irony of choosing to (attempt) kill Harry versus a trueblood, Neville, born in the same month as mentioned in the prophecy. I have to...
  8. Oberon

    Christian Fantasy and Science Fiction

    C.S. Lewis wrote three SF-themed books and I'm sure there's a strong faith-based thread in them: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength. There are even study guides for them.
  9. Oberon

    Looking for Books with Gritty, Police Story (fiction)

    You don't have to own them, you know! It's National Library Week and a good time to check something out at your library!
  10. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    What Dudley saw: Uncle Vernon giving Harry keys to a sports car, Aunt Petunia hugging Harry ...
  11. Oberon

    Books on the Cold War

    Sherry Sontag's Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage takes on one "technological" aspect of the Cold War. As I recall, this one demonstrates how effectively our submarine build up pressed the USSR to keep and ultimately broke their "bank..."
  12. Oberon

    Aunt Petunia *SPOILERS*

    Maybe Dudley is the half-blood prince? After all, he was attacked by a dementor, eh wot? Maybe the price for taking in Harry was leaving Dudley out of Hogwarts? Rowling stating that the Dursleys would be seen less and less could mean V finds a way to do them in ... ?
  13. Oberon

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Discussion *Spoiler Alert*

    I can't believe everyone has overlooked the MOST OBVIOUS candidate!! Dudley Dursley!! Who was attacked by a dementor in book 5? What's the hold on Aunt Petunia? Keep Dudley out of Hogwarts, I'll care for Harry. Thank you very much. Thank very very very very much! Thank you!
  14. Oberon

    Robert Heinlein

    Happy National (in US at least) Library Week! You get the best of both worlds, there: a book that's broken in and didn't cost a cent (save for taxes, I suppose ...)
  15. Oberon

    Five Best Horror Novels

    Another "runner up" and non-vampire-centered story: Peter Straub's Ghost Story and don't let the awful movie that was made from it steer you from the actual book--it's very good!
  16. Oberon

    Anybody looking forward to 'Sin City'?

    Sin City was super! Really felt like the graphic novel come alive onscreen. There's a scene with the red Cadillac that almost gave me vertigo! Rodriguez really hit it outta the park by having Miller do the storyboards and dialog, making the actors give the lines sense. During the last section of...
  17. Oberon

    Robert Heinlein

    As much as I like Stranger, I think his earlier works are probably more engaging and less preachy, Moon being one of his earlier and more accessible works than the others on your list. And Friday is supposed to be written from a woman's perspective! (Maybe it was an exercise ... :rolleyes: )...
  18. Oberon

    Looking for Fantasy Lovers' Expertise

    Dave Duncan Appreciation Thread will give you an idea of what people think of him. I really liked his "A Man of His Word" series and the ongoing "King's Blades" series. I think I included his Web site in the thread. Another terrific writer to whom I was introduced via this excellent forum is...
  19. Oberon

    Spenser novels: Robert B Parker

    Since the topic tele-adaptation has been broached, I have to say that I found the first season of "Spenser for Hire" as good as TV has done in getting the book onscreen without a lot of compromise. The casting was brilliant, particularly Avery Brooks as Hawk. I had not seen Robert Urich in his...
  20. Oberon

    The Masters of Hard-Boiled Detectives

    Didn't by any means want this list limited! Burke is first-rate! Haven't gotten around to Connelly. Sara Paretsky's VI Warshawski is definitely hard-boiled as well, as we define the sub-genre as bloodhound (they can't let go!) detectives with personal problems as well as the present case...