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Search results

  1. Oberon

    Five Best Horror Novels

    Doesn't seem like we have a favorites list in this forum, so give us your best representative horror novels: 1. Dracula (Stoker) 2. 'salem's lot (King) 3. The Shining (King) 4. Interview with the Vampire (Rice) 5. The Great and Secret Show (Barker) Hmmm. Three of them are vampire...
  2. Oberon

    Preston & Child

    Here's a great team of horror/thriller writers, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, who keep getting better with each story. Beginning with The Relic and sequel Reliquary, they combine a Crichton-type expertise with a Dean Koontz style of characterizations, with various characters finding...
  3. Oberon

    Lord Foul's Bane

    In the history of fantasy, Donaldson's Covenant series probably represents a revival in the salability, extending the reach of fantasy to new audiences. His anti-hero was the perfect counter to the larger-than-life heroes of Tolkien. Indeed, it's like a 60s guy is sent back to Middle Earth and...
  4. Oberon

    Favorite Eye Candy/Fluff authors

    Michael Stackpole's "Battletech" novels probably rate high in this "category" (brilliant adverse of say, guilty pleasures!) and Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novels.
  5. Oberon

    The Masters of Hard-Boiled Detectives

    Thanks for the comments! Robert B. Parker, another hard-boiled type, took control of several unfinished manuascripts and completed them. Chandler was quite a writer and a character in his own right ... Anyone else?
  6. Oberon

    The Masters of Hard-Boiled Detectives

    I just did a search in this forum for Chandler and Hammett and got a blank! :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: These are the masters! Terrific writers! Chandler wrote a wonderful pastiche of Jane Austen with a short story in "The Simple Art of Murder" that shows just how strong a stylist he...
  7. Oberon

    Suspense/Thriller novels written by women?

    Yes, another vote for Sara. But if you like Sara, you MUST read O'Connell!
  8. Oberon

    Alternate History

    Neal Stephenson's "Cryptonomicon" is amazing look at the role cryptology played in WWII and appears to be part of a larger mosaic that he's putting together in "The Baroque Series" that begins in the 17th century and traces the history of how computers came about ... from the book jacket of...
  9. Oberon

    Suspense/Thriller novels written by women?

    Kathleen Mallory series by Carol O'Connell is excellent police procedural-type suspense with great cast of regulars and singular literary style. I put up a thread on her books in this forum but no one has repsonded ... Kathleen Mallory books
  10. Oberon

    Does anyone know this book?

    If I'm not mistaken it was nominated for a Hugo--not a cheapy pulp novel by any means! Willis is a very good writer.
  11. Oberon

    Alice Sebold: The Lovely Bones *spoilers*

    Let's not say change so much as expand and mature. We are communal creatures and need to share experiences to understand them better. I still find it hard to discuss aspects of The Lovely Bones without getting a bit misty. What really struck home to me, as a father of two, was the unfairness...
  12. Oberon

    Troy or King Arthur?

    John Boorman directed Excalibur, not Ridley Scott. But that doesn't mean it isn't superior to Troy and Arthur. My trouble with Arthur was the ads make a very big deal about historical accuracy as if 1) it were a big deal since the legend is what most people prefer and 2) it were true! I don't...
  13. Oberon

    VOTE for The Book Forum Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy List

    Here goes! Asimov: Foundation - 5 Asimov: Foundation and Empire - 6 Asimov: 2nd Foundation - 6 Asimov: I, Robot - 5 Asimov: The Gods Themselves - 7 Barker: Imajica - 6 Barker: The Great and Secret Show - 7 Bear: Darwin's Radio - 7 Bester: The Stars My Destination (aka Tiger Tiger) -...
  14. Oberon

    I *miss* Calvin and Hobbes

    Sigh! There's nothing like C & H out there ... C: I like to verb words. H: What? C: I take nouns and adjectives and use them as verbs. Remember when "access" was a thing? Now, it's something you do. It got verbed. C: Verbing weirds language. H: Maybe we can eventually make language a...
  15. Oberon

    The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List

    Great job on the Forum 100--I'll compose my long list offline and upload soon. As you can see from my "Current Reading" list, I've found a book by GG Kay and am enjoying it! He was involved with completing The Silmarillion of all things! And he's from Toronto, one of my favorite cities!
  16. Oberon

    Exploration and Outdoor Adventure

    The name of that book was "Shackleton's Valiant Voyage." I probably owe a life's worth of great reading to Scholastic. I don't begrudge them anything!
  17. Oberon

    Mitch Albom: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

    Recommended. For those who liked "Five People," you might consider The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Not quite as "philosophical," but another interesting perspective on heaven ...
  18. Oberon

    Great sea stories?

    For a great understanding and feel for the modern Navy, there is no one can compare with David Poyer's series of novels. Amazon's list of Poyer novels Start with The Med and take it from there. He also has written about scuba diving and the beginnings of the US Navy in the Civil War. I've...
  19. Oberon

    Poltical Thriller

    The "classics" are prolly Seven Days in May by F. Knebel, The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, and Fail Safe by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler.
  20. Oberon

    michael moore is a big fat stupid white man (mn', mn', mn')

    For a moment I thought you were writing about Moore! :D Seriously, what bothers me about Moore: he's a whore calling whores "whores." He sold out his right to claim any righteousness about his questions. And that hurts. The question raised in "Bowling," "Why are Americans so afraid?" is...