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Search results

  1. nickupton

    The Da Vinci Code V.S. Angels and Demons

    I read Da Vinci Code and enjoyed it until near the end when the repetetive and limited vocabulary began to bore me, the absurdity of the plot became too absurd and the ending was just about the worst ending that he could have possibly written for such a page turner. I think that if the ending...
  2. nickupton

    Who are your favorite mystery writers?

    I recently reread "A Study in Scarlet" and "The sign of four", both Sherlock Holmes novels by Sir Authur Conan Doyle and enjoyed them as much as I did the first time I read them. For me this series is hard to beat.
  3. nickupton

    Tracks by Mike Gordon

    I was recently fortunate enough to receive a complimentary copy of "Tracks" a self-published first novel by Mike Gordon. For those of you here who would like to support a new author I would highly recommend this book, it is very good and quite surprising that it wasn't picked up by an...
  4. nickupton

    Imagine Bible stories written in modern times

    Just had a look on Amazon - it's available at a reasonable price and sounds interesting - no reviews though.
  5. nickupton

    Words that inspire you to write your own

    I have found that rereading the first few chapters of "Three men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome has always helped me recapture the going-off-on-a-tangent and understated style that I like.
  6. nickupton

    Ben Elton

    I have found most of Ben Elton's books very readable and funny at least in patches. I agree that he's hardly going to win any literary prizes but he can consistently write page-turners. I recently read Chart Throb which is an amusing parody of a reality talent show. If you like this style of...
  7. nickupton

    Edgar Allen Poe

    I find the Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado and The Pit and The Pendulum the most chilling stories. The movie "The Masque of the Red Death" with Vincent Price I found less interesting although the movie of the pit and the pendulum captures the horror of the victim's plight pretty well.
  8. nickupton

    Ben Elton

    His first novel "Stark" is very amusing (at least the first half is) and I really enjoyed Dead Famous - a parody of the Big Brother reality program - some very funny characters in there.
  9. nickupton

    Louis de Bernières

    I enjoyed the "nether parts" also and liked the satire and wierdness of the book. Others have said the sequels aren't as good. Are they?
  10. nickupton

    I think I know why people don’t read

    I think for a lot of people they just think that reading is not "cool".
  11. nickupton

    Amazon just nerfed their customer reviews

    I am sure you will get used to them, and then they will change them again.
  12. nickupton

    Amazon just nerfed their customer reviews

    I must admit that I've found them more user friendly since the change.
  13. nickupton

    Do you buy, borrow or take out from the library?

    I used to buy most of my books from charity shops but recently I have rediscovered the local library. using the library I find that I read books that I never would have if I had to buy them. Sometimes that works out well, sometimes not.
  14. nickupton

    Frederick Forsyth

    Day of the jackal is great and I always watch the film when it is on TV.
  15. nickupton

    Sidney Sheldon

    Pulp fiction but quite enjoyable - again I read them in my teens but have never been tempted back. I really liked master of the game and the one about the weather balloon. After a while though they become formulaic and merge into one.
  16. nickupton

    George MacDonald Fraser

    I love Tom Brown's Schooldays and recently read a couple of the Flashman novels. I enjoyed Flashman on the march which is set amongst a war between an Abyssinian Emperor and British colonial forces, but didn't find Royal Flash as interesting which is set in Germany and Denmark. I found it...
  17. nickupton

    George Orwell

    Animal Farm and 1984 are great and I can see a lot of any government in both of them. In animal farm I love the way the protest about milk and apples is put down by bringing a TV into the barn. I feel that has a lot of relevance today in many parts of the world. People won't complain too...
  18. nickupton

    Are you a re-reader?

    Like many others here I reread some books. I find humourous books and novels that are not plot-driven worth rereading. I have read Candide by Voltaire 3 times possibly 4. Other books I have read more than once include Animal Farm, 1984, The Life of Pi, Gridlock by Ben Elton and all of Oscar...
  19. nickupton

    Favorite 3 books of all time

    1. Candide by Voltaire 2. The Life of Pi by Yann Martel 3. Animal Farm by George Orwell
  20. nickupton

    About to be published but want to promote my writing via other works

    You could try making a squidoo page about your book, quite a useful way of promoting anything really. My book review blog is quite new, but I have a page with links to free books. If your free mini book is online I will link to it. I will also review it and link to the for sale version if you...