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Search results

  1. nickupton

    Michael Crichton

    State of Fear is quite interesting. It's about Global warming being a conspiracy theory. I am not a sceptic of man made climate change (my degree is in conservation) but there are some interesting references to scientific papers that argue that climate change is not man made. I have read them...
  2. nickupton

    Alexandre Dumas

    I enjoyed The Count of Monte Cristo in parts but to be honest I found it dragged on for ages and was relieved when I reached the end. After The Man in the Iron Mask which I also found rather slow I have no plans to read anything else by Dumas.
  3. nickupton

    Nature and fiction

    I read "My side of the mountain" when I was a kid. Very memorable book and certainly worth a look by older readers.
  4. nickupton

    The first sentence in the book you're reading

    Asterix and the Falling Sky - Goscinny & Uderzo
  5. nickupton

    What you can do with a book besides reading it

    When travelling around southeast Asia I found the Lonely Planet "Southeast Asia on a shoestring" so woefully bad and out of date that I gradually used the pages, sheet by sheet, as toilet paper - the pages were just the right thickness.
  6. nickupton

    Do you like to read with background noise, or need complete silence?

    It has to be complete silence for me. My mother seems to be able to read with the TV on and everyone else in the family talking, arguing etc and with the dog barking!!! I have never understood how she can take any of it in.
  7. nickupton

    Can't throw away books

    Hello everyone. I was encouraged to read by my mother and have never been able to throw out any of my books (like many book lovers I suspect). By now I have a massive collection, some great books, some not so great books, but I have started a project whereby I write short reviews of all the...
  8. nickupton

    The Best Book You've Ever Read?

    I really like the Life of Pi by Yann Martel because it is a strange tale. I also really like Mr Vertigo by Paul Auster - a simple story but quite unusual. Candide by Voltaire is also good - amusing, thought provoking and an easy read.
  9. nickupton

    Most hated 'classic' novel you've actually read

    The Count of Monte Cristo really bored me despite a great start it just drags on and on. But, I really hate Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas - incoherant ramblings of a drunk, the beginning with all the waffle about how black, dark black, dark, dark black the night is made me want to punch him.
  10. nickupton

    Children's Books you still love to read today.

    Green Eggs and Ham & The Sneetches both by Dr Suess are both great. I still read my Asterix books too and it is probably only adults that understand many of the puns in this series.