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Search results

  1. Porthos

    I Want That One (or Sixteen)!

    I just spent an hour in Borders & found 16 books that I want (in no particular order): Blood Eagle - Craig Russell Adept - Robert Finn Night-time is My Time - Mary Higgins Clark Paranoia - Joseph Finder The Golden Door - Kerry Jamieson The Search - Iris Johansen Walking The Shadows -...
  2. Porthos

    and now for something completely different

    Nice one!! :) Last night I dreamt about meeting up in my local pub with this guy that I like & just talking about anything & everything then us going back to my house & talking some more & one thing leads to another..... and the postman knocked on the front door at 7.20am waking me up...
  3. Porthos

    Your favorite position

    propped up against my pillows in bed :) And it's great when you get the munchies around 12am! Go and get a glass of ice cold milk (skimmed if course) & some biscuits or chocolate.... just be careful of the crumbs!!!
  4. Porthos

    Getting to know each other... (It's feezzzzzing cold in here :( )

    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger ;) I drink Smirnoff with lemonade :) - don't worry, my parents keep saying I'm a binge- drinker as our National press keeps printing statistics that if you drink more than blah blah .....:rolleyes: I just drink to enjoy myself & I know my limits...
  5. Porthos

    Getting to know each other... (It's feezzzzzing cold in here :( )

    There are a lot of people who are still suffering the after affects of the war & Hitler's plans for the Master Race. I don't propose that it should just be forgotten (“The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again.” - George Santayana; this is actually on a plaque at...
  6. Porthos

    How well read are you?

    Well said :) I also really enjoy reading and I've read thousands of books. I've read since I was a little girl (not that I'm that much taller now! :rolleyes: ) and I really do believe that an early interest makes a difference.
  7. Porthos

    What's in a name?

    The title of a book plays a part to a certain extent in as much that it may grab my attention (along with the cover) but I'm happy having a book recommended by someone or on amazon & reading the synopsis even if the title may have initially not stood out to me. If I then like the sound of it...
  8. Porthos

    Who likes The Sound of Music?

    :D How many people who have read this post actually started singing it?! :o :rolleyes:
  9. Porthos

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I bought it the other week & it does indeed sound good.
  10. Porthos

    Who likes The Sound of Music?

    I grew up on The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins & Annie & although I don't watch them very often any more, I still love them :D My Nan even gave me the LP Soundtrack to The Sound of Music which I've still got at home :)
  11. Porthos

    Love: as a subtle emotion

    @ cFaniak - I agree with Genie; that's very moving & your English was perfect :) To me, love is amazing in as much that it has so many facets to be explored. Here are two conclusions that I've come to at this point: At it's best, you can feel like you are on top of the world, floating...
  12. Porthos

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Thanks for that Dogtanian :) I shouldn't really need to buy any new books for a few months after that lot tbh. I've already got about 4 new books that I haven't read & my Dad has loads of books that I'll be borrowing :D I'll check out One Hundred Years of Solitude. Cheers
  13. Porthos

    Getting to know each other... (It's feezzzzzing cold in here :( )

    (Personal details) : - Where are you from? Birmingham, UK - How old are you and what is your gender? 24 & female - What are your hobbies (Other than reading books)? Internet, drinking, mobile phones :rolleyes:, drinking, photography, drinking, travel & more drinking!!! - I try to combine...
  14. Porthos

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just placed an order with Amazon. Some older books as there seems to be a few series about & I'll start at the beginning: Double Homicide – Faye Kellerman & Jonathan Kellerman Dead Wrong – Mariah Stewart Death at La Fenice – Donna Leon Murder List – Julie Garwood Report for Murder – V.L...
  15. Porthos

    Books you were forced to read at school!

    Pretty much the same as everyone else; I have read the following: The Diary of Anne Frank - Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee Animal Farm - George Orwell Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth & Othello - William Shakespeare One More River - Lynne Reid Banks The...
  16. Porthos

    How many times.......

    If I've read a really good book then I will re-read it over & over. Even though I have a load of new books to read, if I suddenly fancy reading an old one, I go for it. :)
  17. Porthos

    Hi' Can anybody recommend any good Thriller/Suspense books?

    Two fairly new authors I thought were really good: Karin Slaughter & Jillane Hoffman - still reading The Last Witness which is JH's second book; very impressed.
  18. Porthos

    New books...

    I don't have a favourite book shop - I buy from WH Smiths, Waterstones & occasionally Borders. I must admit that I end up picking up a few in Adsa (Wal-mart) as although they don't have a wide range, you can get some decent books at very good prices :)
  19. Porthos

    Think Happy Thoughts

    Congratulations Hollis :) Is this your first baby?
  20. Porthos

    A Belated Hello

    All For One & One For All ;) Thanks to you all for welcoming me. You seem a nice friendly bunch :)