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  1. Porthos

    A Belated Hello

    Thank you :)
  2. Porthos

    A Belated Hello

    Hi! I registered last week after a recommendation from a friend & I'm really enjoying it :) I'm interested in everyones opinions on books and look forward to reading loads more than I have been!
  3. Porthos

    Turn Off Your TV & Read Week!

    Not into the TV programmes around really; only CSI, Desperate Housewives & Stargate when it was on. I sometimes have the music channels on before I go to bed & end up falling asleep on the sofa & wake up around 3am with a stiff neck!
  4. Porthos

    Think Happy Thoughts

    I read a book by Dale Carnigie years ago & he had adapted a response sent from Macy's after a complaint about a store person was received during the Christmas season & it really stuck in my mind that everyone can make a difference in someone elses life. THE VALUE OF A SMILE It costs...
  5. Porthos

    Do you tend to be...

    Sometimes if I'm having problems getting into a book I'll start another one & go back to the first one another time but usually it's one at a time.
  6. Porthos

    Are you afraid of terrorists striking where you live?

    Although I work for a well-known mobile phone company in the City Centre of Birmingham I've never really given it any thought. We've had a few bomb threats over the years but nothing has ever happened.
  7. Porthos

    Only in the UK

    They bring in lot's of tourists which helps our economy & then that money along with bucket loads of taxpayers money is spent keeping the Royal Family in castles & the like :rolleyes:
  8. Porthos

    Music while you are reading or writing. Life's Theme Song?

    Depends what mood I'm in & what book I'm reading & also how much noise is going on in other parts of the house! Don't think I've got a theme tune at the moment but a few months ago it was Ashes by Embrace: "Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me When you said that...
  9. Porthos

    George Orwell: Animal Farm

    I read this in school too. I was impressed with the simpleness of the story & how it delivers it's moral message. Might have to re-read this :)
  10. Porthos

    How many books have you read in 2005?

    Here's what I've read so far this year (i may be missing a couple): Man On Fire - A.J Quinnell Kisscut - Karin Slaughter 2nd Chance - James Patterson Retribution - Jilliane Hoffman The Sixth Lamentation - William Brodrick
  11. Porthos

    Who Knew? (Poem)

    One day I just saw you across the room & it was like being hit by lightening! I wouldn’t admit it at first, even to myself, that there was a spark of… something. Now, I wish I could see you every day, just to hear you say my name. But when I do see you I freeze & don’t know what to say, fearing...
  12. Porthos

    James Patterson.

    I've found it's the same with majority of authors who are on a bestseller's list; the stories just become much of a muchness & then you start reading a new author who has fresh ideas so the older books start to pale in comparison. Take Dick Francis as a prime example of this. His later books...
  13. Porthos

    Suspense/Thriller novels written by women?

    I've read the first one which was really good but I haven't had chance to start the second one yet.