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  1. Gryphon

    Greetings, all

    Thanks for the welcome, Dawn. I lived for many years in Southern California (San Fernando Valley and Orange County) but now I'm in the north part of the state, at the tip of the Central Valley. Yes, Monterey is beautiful. The coastline is breathtaking. I'd love to live there, but it is also...
  2. Gryphon

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    Hannibal -- great choice! Winterdance was brilliant. It's one of the best books I've ever read -- insightful, exceedingly well-written and utterly hysterical. Dawn -- Is that the same Roddy McDowell who was the actor? I wasn't aware he was an author as well, but it shouldn't surprise me...
  3. Gryphon

    The Princess Bride

    The address that Goldman gives in the book is: Hiram Haydn Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 757 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 I know the book was published a good many years ago (1973) and Hiram Haydn may not be alive (after all, it has been thirty years and there is no telling how old Mr...
  4. Gryphon

    The Princess Bride

    Also wanted to ask if anybody has ever written to the editor (at the author's behest) to request a copy of the unpublished 'reunion scene'.?
  5. Gryphon

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    I've never read Hitchhiker's but I've never heard anything but praise for it. I guess it's time to buy a copy, eh? I thought Robert Rankin's book, Nostradamos Ate My Hamster was pretty funny. And Dave Barry always puts me in creases.
  6. Gryphon

    Abarat--Clive Barker

    I've been waiting for the paperback, which I have on order and should be getting in September. I'm intrigued by Clive Barker, but I can't imagine him writing a children's book. I'm eager to see what he's done.
  7. Gryphon

    The Princess Bride

    Hey murph! I just saw your reply in the Intro thread. I'm reasonably certain in my own mind that the whole Morgenstern thing is a clever device that Goldman uses to tell his story. Some of the most entertaining bits are the 'asides.' I think you asked in the other thread something about a...
  8. Gryphon

    Greetings, all

    LOL Me, too! :) Sorry, Murph -- just saw your reply to my post on the Film Adpatations thread, so it might be best to discuss it there, yes? Not sure yet. Either Return of the Native or Jude the Obscure. Have just finished watching the movie version of Far From The Maddening Crowd. Seems...
  9. Gryphon

    I'm a teen who wants to become literate, Help!

    Two books that were very popular in the sixties were Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. You mentioned the Tibetan Book of the Dead but other works related to Eastern religions were widely read: I remember reading the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. Timothy Leary is...
  10. Gryphon

    The Princess Bride

    This is one instance where I thought the movie was better than the book. Anybody agree? Disagree?
  11. Gryphon


    I didn't care for Sir Laurence Olivier's Hamlet, but I did like Mel Gibson's. I've just rented Kenneth Branagh's version but haven't watched it yet. Anybody have an opinion about any of the above?
  12. Gryphon

    Greetings, all

    Many thanks to all of you for the welcome. By eclectic, I mean that I read everything from bread wrappers to the classics. I'm fond of biographies, history (fiction as well as non-fiction), comparative religion, children's literature, (although at the moment I think I'm Harry Potter'd out)...
  13. Gryphon

    Greetings, all

    I'm not very good at this sort of thing, so I apologise in advance for what may appear to be a terse introduction. I'm an avid reader with very eclectic taste in books (as well as music). I live in California but I also lived in England for a number of years. I'm very happy to have...