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Search results

  1. theoptimist

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Guilty! £2.44 including p+p :D You can have it for a fiver :p
  2. theoptimist

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Asylum - Patrick McGrath
  3. theoptimist

    Last seen...

    I saw One Hour Photo with Robin Williams when it was on TV last week. Freaky :eek:
  4. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Let That Be Enough - Switchfoot
  5. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    King Of The Mountain - Kate Bush
  6. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Some Feel - Slipknot
  7. theoptimist

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Somebody didn't get the memo about the images :p
  8. theoptimist

    Harlan Coben: The Innocent

    Stewart you legend! Classic :D
  9. theoptimist

    top five on your TBR list?

    At the moment my next 5 are: 1. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides 2. The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster 3. The Spell - Alan Hollinghurst 4. Runaway - Alice Munro 5. Calendar Girl - Stella Duffy
  10. theoptimist

    Natsuo Kirino: Out

    I read this last month and thought it was outstanding. I enjoyed the fast pace of it, how you feel you know the characters personally and just the storyline itself. If there is one book that I would describe as unique this is it! I have never read anything remotely like this before, I don't...
  11. theoptimist

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    The Commitments - Roddy Doyle The Snapper - Roddy Doyle The Van - Roddy Doyle
  12. theoptimist

    In April We Read...

    What they ^ said :D Good work!
  13. theoptimist

    Memoirs of a Geisha

    I loved the film, the garden at the end was simply wonderful, it was worth watching just for that! I did however prefer the book, there was a lot more to offer and the descriptions were completely mesmerizing. I was disappointed with the beginning of the film though, a hell of a lot was missed out!
  14. theoptimist

    Happy Birthday Cabrasopa!

    Happy Birthday! Have a fantastic day :D
  15. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    All You Need Is Love - The Beatles
  16. theoptimist

    Suggestions: August 2006 Book of the Month

    I'd like to suggest Haruki Murakami's 'Norwegian Wood'
  17. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Plug In Baby - Muse
  18. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Don't You Want Me Baby - Human League
  19. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
  20. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Strangers In The Night - Frank Sinatra