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  1. theoptimist

    Big Brother 2006

    Well someone had to make a thread about it . . . :) Who's been watching it so far? Who do you like/dislike?
  2. theoptimist

    Question Game

    Lucy from Big Brother 7 (is anyone else watching this?) What is the best book you've read this year, so far?
  3. theoptimist

    Song Titles that go on Forever

    It's even longer when you use the appropriate 'weight' instead of 'wait' :p
  4. theoptimist


    When asking someone if they like HIM you usually hear the reply, "Oh, the 'lovemetal' band? Yeah they're cool, they sing that 'Buried Alive By Love Song' right?" Then proceed to sing the line "I've been buried alive by love" Makes me laugh everytime! In response to your question, I listen to...
  5. theoptimist

    Song Titles that go on Forever

    Yeah, and mp3 players with a slow scroll function :mad:
  6. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    The New Year - Death Cab For Cutie
  7. theoptimist

    Song Titles that go on Forever

    Those actually aren't that bad ;)
  8. theoptimist


    Hello :) Welcome to the forum!
  9. theoptimist


    Hello Joey, Welcome to TBF!
  10. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Waiting For The Sun - The Doors
  11. theoptimist


    So Valkyrie, just out of curiosity, how many times have you watched The Labyrinth since the 1st of May? (that was the first time you saw it, right?) Are you addicted? :D
  12. theoptimist

    Do You Buy Hardcover or Paperback?

    Haha! Almost 18! A glass of wine can't hurt! It's usually when I'm in on a Friday or Saturday night, bliss!
  13. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    House Of The Rising Sun - The Animals
  14. theoptimist

    Question Game

    Poetry! What are the first 3 things you do when you get up?
  15. theoptimist

    Do You Buy Hardcover or Paperback?

    I buy paperback as they're smaller, lighter and easier to carry around in my bag. I always feel like I have to sit at a table to read a hardback, I don't know why :confused: Whereas with a paperback, I can curl up on the sofa with a glass of wine whilst reading, much better :D
  16. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Red Is The New Black - Funeral For A Friend
  17. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Gotta Reason - Hard-fi
  18. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    You Spin Me Right Round - Dead Or Alive
  19. theoptimist

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Ain't Love Grand - Atreyu
  20. theoptimist

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    The People's Act Of Love - James Meek The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time - Mark Haddon