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  1. Kupov

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    And this will be my last post before someone else kicks in. God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian - Kurt Vonnegut More of a novella then a real novel I found it very humorous.
  2. Kupov


    I agree with the pseudo Wes Anderson theory, though his movies have a certain charm Juno failed to capture.
  3. Kupov

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    Got another one Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck, for a light easy read I really enjoyed this book.
  4. Kupov

    Total Bad Ass

    To Have and Have Not - Ernest Hemingway (I think) Harry Morgan is quite the tough guy. The entire Dark Tower series (though as previously mentioned I only finished 3) Roland definitely fits the description of badass. :D
  5. Kupov

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From The Underground

    I have never been a part of a book club or anything like that, and as I am only just turned 17 years old I have not had a chance to discuss much literature with many people. You are probably right.
  6. Kupov

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From The Underground

    That is exactly what I have been thinking and when I finish Crime and Punishment in a few days it will be the next thing that I read. That is if I can find it in my towns small library or bookstores, sometimes I wish I lived in a larger city.
  7. Kupov

    Laugh Out Loud Funny

    Books that make you laugh out loud I will start this off Catch 22 - Joseph Heller Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger (saligner?) Of course there are more but I am really drawing a blank here D:
  8. Kupov

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From The Underground

    Most people like The Catcher in the Rye from what I have seen. Most people also identify with Caulfield for the most part, at least I know that I do.
  9. Kupov

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Notes From The Underground

    Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground Forgive me if I spelled the authors name wrong, but has anyone else started this book and been a bit put off by the content and writing style? I found myself chuckling at a few parts and grinning fairly often but I was too perturbed by the style of...
  10. Kupov

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower Series

    I stopped at the third book because they become too hard to find at libraries or used book stores. I enjoyed them all quite a bit though the third one especially.
  11. Kupov

    Which Was the Last Book You Read in One Sitting?

    I read The Catcher in the Rye and The Quiet American in the same sitting during a 12 hour flight from Japan to San Francisco. I can not sleep on planes :(