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  1. ctadams


    Dreams OK next question -- who (show of hands) in the forum have actually died within your dreams? I've had them twice. I have had two periods of my life where I had recurring dreams. One was in my childhood and was about being excluded. One was as an adult and the symbolism was fairly...
  2. ctadams

    #4 Questionaire

    Responses have you ever been in true love? Yes, but it was a very long time ago. can you dance? Badly. can you sing? Yes. can you paint/scuplt/draw? Yes. can you play a musical instrument? Yes, piano a long time ago and banjo. Very out of practice, sadly. are you or anyone you...
  3. ctadams

    For everyone, for anyone, for someone...

    "We Are Not Alone" Hi guys! I think that "alone" is a state of mind. You can be utterly, devastatingly alone in a crowd, and perfectly content by yourself or with a pet. Or you can be the "belle of the ball" and have it be so superficial that you're not really "there". There are people...
  4. ctadams


    Controlling Dreams and Precognition Hi all. I used to be able to control my dreams a little, but I have a sleep disorder now and no longer can. In fact, in the past several years -- since the disorder, I have VERY vivid and intense dreams (and nightmares) which frequently include walking...
  5. ctadams


    Dreams and Question I don't remember my dreams for the last couple of nights, but they generally are very specific and problem-solving (and doesn't that just sound boring!). I am an arachniphobe, so when I am facing a major life change or problem that I'm nervous about I have nightmares about...
  6. ctadams

    Book Discussion - Flowers for Algernon

    It's Been a While It's been quite a while since I read this, so I've lost a lot, but I remember that what struck me, and what I actually got most from the book was that the problems in relating to "normal" folks was just as hard for the "genius" as it was for the "retarded" Charlie. He was...
  7. ctadams

    Desert Island books

    The Desert Island 1) Making Primitive Tools 2) Boatbuilding for Beginners (or dummies) 3) Navigating by the Stars (because I'm an optimist) 4) Basic Survival Skills (because I'm a realist) That done I'm left with 6, 5 to read, and one to use for lighting my campfire. 5) Blank...
  8. ctadams

    So many books, so little time

    Hi all. Wow, to choose ONE favorite author? I can't do it. I love to read, and I never seem to have enough time to do it. But, ok, here's a few, in no particular order: Dick Francis, Elizabeth Peters, Agatha Christie, Laurell K. Hamilton, Jim Butcher, Robert B. Parker....
  9. ctadams

    Happy Birthday Raven!!!

    Ahem: OK. All together now (hopefully in key :) ) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (_______) I wish for you many, many wonderful books to...
  10. ctadams

    Greetings and Salutations

    I heard about your group from my co-author, Cathy L. Clamp. You sounded like such a good group I decided to join! I'm looking forward to the discussions. Cie C.T. Adams :cool: