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  1. S

    Chuck Palahniuk

    Hi Zach I've read Survivor, Invisible Monsters and really enjoyed them. I've checked out the site before, it's a cool site. I found the address for Chucks agent thanks to the site and sent Chuck a letter, he replied really quickly and sent me some cool stuff, he's a top quy.:cool:
  2. S

    Now Reading

    Origin (TPB) The Wolverine Story
  3. S

    What are you reading - March/April?

    Hagakure, The Book of the Samurai
  4. S

    Now Reading

    The Ultimates (TPB) Vol 1 Super-Human (fantastic artwork:cool: )
  5. S

    Now Reading

    Batman #613 Amazing Spiderman #51 Battle of the Planets #7 and #8 Tomb Raider #27 and #28 Tomb Raider : Journeys #11
  6. S

    Favourite Websites?

    brokenfontier dccomics comicbookresources bbc radio1
  7. S

    Harry Potter 5 Cover Previews

    Like the US Version Better than the UK Childrens Cover
  8. S

    Now Reading

    Forge #12, It's the first Crossgen that I've read and very impressed with the artwork throughout the Compendia which includes Route 666, Sojourn, Negation, Meridian, Crux, The Path and a bonus stand alone story from the world of Ruse 'Archard's Agents'. My favorite of these stories being Crux...
  9. S

    Currently Reading

    I gave up reading after about 100 pages. Could not find any interest in the story. :( Might give it another try in a couple of months:)
  10. S

    Now Reading

    Harley Quinn #30 Wolverine #187
  11. S

    Currently Reading

    Beloved - Toni Morrison
  12. S

    Currently Reading

    Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk
  13. S

    Now Reading

    Lone Wolf 2100 - Shadows on Saplings written by Mike Kennedy and art by Francisco Ruiz Velasco. Battle of the Planets - Witchblade written by Munier Sharrieff and pencils by Christina Chen and Jo Chen. Birds of Prey Catwoman/Oracle 2 of 2 written by John Francis Moore and pencils by David...
  14. S

    Now Reading

    Batman #612 Daredevil (Trade Paperback) The Official Movie Adaption
  15. S


    I've just picked up this magazine for the first time this month and think its great. Anyone not familiar with it, it's all about comics and comic related industry. Also does anyone know if there is other comic magazines available in the UK?
  16. S

    Currently Reading

    Congo - Michael Crichton
  17. S

    Manga vs Comics

    Manga the worlds biggest comic industry! With Marvel set to unlease the Tsunami wave of comics in April I thought we could vote on what we like the best, Manga or the West's Comic industry. My vote has to go Comics.
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    Comic Book Publishing

  19. S


    I've just started to get interested in comics, so I haven't read any Daredevil comics yet (but plan to!!!). I really enjoyed the film though, to me it seemed quite dark which I liked, had the same kind of feel to the first Batman movie. Also there was a few cameos to look out for...