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Search results

  1. S

    Currently Reading

    Funky Business by Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjelle Nordstrom and Captain America - To Serve and Protect
  2. S

    Currently Reading

    Marketing Judo, How to build your business using brains not brawn by John Barnes & Richard Richardson
  3. S

    Currently Reading

    Jurrasic Park - Michael Crichton
  4. S

    Currently Reading

    I'm half way through the book and so far it's very interesting. His writing does bring out the feeling of the places he visits and there is a touch of humour in the book, that is the same as the programme. In saying that I must admit I prefer the programme, mainly because I'm more of a visual...
  5. S

    Currently Reading

    Full Circle - Michael Palin
  6. S

    has there been any movie that was......

    Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk, the book is good but it is one of the rare occasions where the film is better than the book.
  7. S

    Favorite Comic Book Character

    What's your top 5 comic book character or superhero? 1. Batman 2. Wolverine/Logan - X-Men 3. Spiderman 4. Superman 5. Captain America
  8. S

    Currently Reading

    Just started reading The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis and Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk
  9. S

    Currently Reading

    I thought people could post up what book they are reading at the moment. At the moment I am reading M.K. Gandhi - An Autobiography.
  10. S


    As I said in a previous post I've just started getting interested in comics (mainly for the artwork). Today I picked up Wolverine and Gambit 'Blood Debt Part 2' and Essential X-Men 'Two against the Neo' both from W.H. Smith. I was also looking at one of the Sandman Graphic Novels in...
  11. S

    Why comics/graphic novels?

    I've just recently started to get interested in art again. As Mark says comics can provide great art and there are some great artists out, my favorite at the moment is Alex Ross. I've just started to by a few comics, but mainly I buy them for the art and not the storyline.
  12. S

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year Everybody:cool:
  13. S

    Favourite Websites?

    I go to a load of different sites so hear are a few of them; metaphilm pixelsurgeon the hunger site marvel chuck palahniuk earthcam new york city renderosity prince michael moore
  14. S

    Jurrasic Park

    I have'nt got round to read it yet. I bought it at the same time as a load of other books. Plus I'm a slow reader;) At the moment I have just started to read No Logo by Naomi Klein.
  15. S

    Any good photography sites/forums?

    I came across these few sites. They might be of some interest. photographyreview.com askthecameraman.com masters-of-photography.com
  16. S

    Help to find Book

    Thanks letterhead. That's great.
  17. S

    Your town/city

    I thought it would be cool if we found out a little about your local town/city/village etc....We could post some local web-sites of places we visit or places of interest in your local area. Newcastle upon Tyne Baltic Art Centre Independant local cinema Local radio station
  18. S

    What other hobbies do you enjoy?

    I love going to the movies and buying DVD's. I like to listen to music and I'm interested in graphic design and art (although I'm no good at drawing). I like shopping, even if it is only 'window' shopping.
  19. S

    Surfing the net

    How long do you spend on the net? I personally can spend anything from 15mins upto 7 hours a day surfing the net. Do you have a 'must visit' each day list? Here's mine!!! pixelsurgeon npg music club prince.org joblo.com thehungersite.com radio1 empire nme
  20. S


    Favorite bands include U2 and REM, also like Lenny Kravitz but my alltime favorite has to be Prince. Since Prince has left Warner Brothers he has gone indie and is still releasing classic music such as his latest album The Rainbow Children, you can checkout his web-site here .