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Search results

  1. Mattyj

    Blew in with a western wind.

    Welcome to the forum! :)
  2. Mattyj

    Hello I'm...new!

    Welcome! :)
  3. Mattyj

    what books made you cry?

    ..I forgot about that one. I cried for days....
  4. Mattyj

    I'm new

    Welcome! :)
  5. Mattyj


    lol I do that too. :D
  6. Mattyj


    I love Wikipedia and use it all the time. It's really handy, especially for popular culture stuff, as Occlith stated. I have yet to come up with a fruitless search on Wiki. Thanks for linking the article. The process of how it came to be is quite interesting. Amusing little tidbit regarding...
  7. Mattyj

    July Reads

    A Million Little Pieces - James Frey Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer 12 Sharp - Janet Evanovich Sellevision - Augusten Burroughs Possible Side Effects - Augusten Burroughs Take a Thief - Mercedes Lackey The Winter of Our Discontent - John Steinbeck Observatory...
  8. Mattyj

    what books made you cry?

    I read The Mermaid Chair yesterday and it made me cry... I'm still not quite sure why.
  9. Mattyj

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    Highwayman- Johnny Cash
  10. Mattyj

    Question Game

    Charlie Daniels Band Stupidest thing after losing a bet? Well, I've never really lost a bet. :D What's your favorite color?
  11. Mattyj

    Hello, My Name Is Sarah

    Hello and welcome! :)
  12. Mattyj

    Greetings from Malaysia

    Welcome! :)
  13. Mattyj

    Must read classics

    I must agree
  14. Mattyj


    Welcome! :)
  15. Mattyj

    top five on your TBR list?

    The Mermaid Chair- Sue Monk Kidd Lolita- Nabokov The Crimson Petal & The White - Faber Dogs of Babel- Carolyn Parkhurst The Time Traveler's Wife - Niffenegger
  16. Mattyj

    Read it again for the first time?

    The Catcher in the Rye Travels With Charley A Wrinkle in Time :)
  17. Mattyj

    Best series you read.

    My favorites are the Outlander series and the Stephanie Plum series. Also, when I first read The Green Mile it was released as a series - so does that count? :)
  18. Mattyj

    Being SCARED by a movie

    A silly as this is... Pet Sematary scared me! When Pascow came into the bedroom to get Louis in the middle of the night- horrifying! I couldn't look out my bedroom door for weeks.
  19. Mattyj

    Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    ..you had to wait through tons of credits and the epilogue was about 6 seconds long...
  20. Mattyj

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    My username is my nickname - Matty. I got the nickname because I'm a huge fan of Matt Williams. A friend called me Matty one day and it just stuck.