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  1. Mattyj

    What book should everyone read?

    I can not put this book down!!! I am seriously lacking sleep today because of it. :p
  2. Mattyj

    Happy Birthday theoptimist!

    Happy Birthday!! :)
  3. Mattyj

    Question Game

    Wow- that is such a hard question. I have been so fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. I will have to say my Grandma. She was the strongest woman I have ever met. She was kind and giving and selfless. She was the kind of person I aspire to be. My husband tells me sometimes...
  4. Mattyj


    Hello and welcome! :) This is a great site. I hope you enjoy it!
  5. Mattyj

    Question Game

    I don't have any children. I don't know if I want them. I am almost 30 - I'd better decide soon. :) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? (sorry if this one has been done already!)
  6. Mattyj

    save the dandelions

    StillILearn - I just started it last night! I'm only on about page 30...Chip's parents and sister just arrived for lunch. So far I really like it. Only 30 pages into it and I'm already enjoying the character development. sorry tundra - didn't mean to hijack your thread! :)
  7. Mattyj

    save the dandelions

    Hello there! :)
  8. Mattyj

    What book should everyone read?

    I just started The Corrections last night. :)
  9. Mattyj

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    The Dance - Garth Brooks
  10. Mattyj

    Which is you favorite NFL team?

    Haha -no, but I did get mocked!! Walking to the car was like running the gauntlet! Next time I'm wearing a 49ers jersey under the Bears one...so if things go south I'm covered. :p
  11. Mattyj

    Bill O'Reilly; The No Spin Zone

    ... I have been searching for the right words to describe O'Reilly for a long time. Thank you.
  12. Mattyj

    Randomness! Yay!

    really?! Wow, I love them!! :)
  13. Mattyj

    buying books from amazon or anyother online bookstore?!!

    I use Amazon.com and Powells.com all the time. I did look at the Powell's international shipping and it is a little bit pricey. Also, most credit cards have a policy that states that you are not liable for fraudulant purchases, online or otherwise. You may want to check with the issuing...
  14. Mattyj

    Which is you favorite NFL team?

    lol... yeah..I'm from Northern California - not a lot of Bears fans here. A couple years back I went to the season opener - Bears @ 49ers. The Bears, of course, suffered a horrible loss and I think I was the ONLY person in that stadium in a Bears jersey... ouch
  15. Mattyj

    Tell a lie

    I did not have ice cream for dinner.
  16. Mattyj

    Which is you favorite NFL team?

    ...finally :D I have high hopes this season! :)
  17. Mattyj

    Great Books that Should Be Made Into Movies and Which Actors Would You Cast?

    ...ok, you are right - more crazed than evil :D
  18. Mattyj

    How's the weather where you live?

    ...December weather...that sounds good right about now :p
  19. Mattyj

    Question Game

    No. Do you want to skydive?
  20. Mattyj

    Which is you favorite NFL team?

    My favorite? Da Bears! :D