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Search results

  1. Mattyj


    Welcome! :)
  2. Mattyj

    Tess Gerritsen

    Puttin' her on my TBR list. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Mattyj

    Children's horror

    :eek: I had forgotten about that spider story! Scary stories - terrifying illustrations - I shall have to pick those books up. :)
  4. Mattyj

    Happy Birthday bren

    Happy Birthday!:D
  5. Mattyj


    I had to open my dictionary too... :rolleyes:
  6. Mattyj

    Tess Gerritsen

    I have only read Harvest - and that was quite some time ago. Though I can't recall a lot of details, I remember liking it very much. The Tess Gerritsen novels caught my eye at the library the other day, I may have to pick one up.
  7. Mattyj


    Hi PolkaDots! Enjoy your stay. :)
  8. Mattyj

    Children & Religion

    lol! That cheered me up, thanks. :) Not at all what I expected when I clicked on the thread. My favorites are 4 and 29. :)
  9. Mattyj


    Interesting post, Sitaram. It got me thinking first thing this morning. It took me quite some time to learn that I was responsible for my own happiness. Like anything worth having, it takes a bit of work. For a long time I did not understand that. direstraits, that is so very true. My mom is...
  10. Mattyj

    Last seen...

    Doesn't it make you crazy that you can't have the whole boxed set at once? :) My husband not-so-patiently waits for his next Lost installments every 3 days. I saw The Wild over the weekend. I absolutely loved it! But then, I am a big fan of Disney cartoons. :D
  11. Mattyj

    What is Your Library Like? (Contains Images)

    I finally found a picture of my local library:
  12. Mattyj

    Books you didn't finish

    Hmm - I was going to start this book today...
  13. Mattyj


    Greetings! :) Welcome to the board!
  14. Mattyj

    Alternative Hobbies

    I agree. I've acquired all these new skills along the way! :)
  15. Mattyj


    I have to have things out in the open so I would bring it up right away. When things stew in your mind they tend to get worse. It would also be hard for someone to deny that, with history of visited sites easily viewed.
  16. Mattyj

    Ten Pin Bowling

    Libre, My husband and I were on a bowling league for several seasons (? does bowling have seasons? hmm...). I never had any luck with spinning the ball that way either! Someone who was in my bowling league tried to show me how to do that and I ended up throwing the ball backwards :o ! I wish I...
  17. Mattyj


    Hello and welcome! :)
  18. Mattyj

    Janet Evanovich

    I enjoy the Stephanie Plum series. As for the books getting better after One For the Money - I would say no. In my opinion they are all about equal in that respect. We are in agreement about the outrageous Ramirez plot and predictable ending. But, that being said, I think the books are worth...
  19. Mattyj


    !! Moose Tracks :D http://www.moosetracks.com/
  20. Mattyj

    Alternative Hobbies

    I am always embarking on some new hobby-journey. Recently it's been making soap and sewing handbags for all my friends for Christmas. My closets are stuffed with paraphernalia from my past endeavors - racquets, golf clubs, art supplies, half knitted scarves, cross country skis.... I attempted...