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Search results

  1. J

    Stephen King: Lisey's Story

    I'm currently reading that one now... definitely unique, and so far a good read :)
  2. J

    Who Are The Writers?

    Writer here. Definitely strongest in poetry, and would classify myself as pretty good in that style of writing. Have TONS and TONS of ideas in my head for short stories and even a novel, just haven't found my style to write 'em out.
  3. J

    What do bookworms do for exercise?

    Mountain bike, water ski, racketball (raquetball?), tennis... you name it! :)
  4. J

    Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game

    I think it's great how Card has produced the morale/ethic dilemmas through the eyes of young characters. Read [I]Ender's Game[I] and plan on continuing with the series (although after reading this thread, I might be having second thoughts about that!)
  5. J

    What could JK Rowling write next (pertinent to HP)?

    I do believe she has some plans in the works to write a sort of "encyclopedia" to explain a lot that didn't get explained at the end of the series. We shall see. As far as this (and other works about HP) being "horrible" and "mundane", I don't think it would quite have that effect. If...
  6. J

    What's your occupation?

    College student :)
  7. J

    Author: Most Read...

    Harlan Coben, Rowling.
  8. J

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    Good ol' 3 x 5 index cards! Durable, and come in large quantities :)
  9. J

    Books you didn't finish

    Having a hard time staying with "The Historian"...
  10. J

    How Long Between Books?

    I can't help it... I start a couple hours after I finished the previous when if I have more lying around (which is always true!)
  11. J

    Another newbie..

    Just thought I'd say hello to everyone! I read a lot, and wish to write a lot more than I currently do! :) Look forward to chatting with y'all.
  12. J

    Harlan Coben

    If you are looking for a fast, exciting read, Coben is definitely an author I would suggest (if you like mystery/suspense that is). He has a way of taking a real-life situation and making a complete, complex, and engaging story line from it to make it exciting for the reader ("Promise Me" is a...