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  1. Comeflyaway

    Do men and women read books differently?

    Haven't read every book written (obviously!), but I do read every single book that I buy and thus have read every book on my bookshelves. Otherwise, what's the point of buying them?
  2. Comeflyaway

    Margaret Atwood: The Robber Bride

    I read this book a few weeks ago and I really liked it, too. I have to say, I do agree with your friends that Tony was a little irritating, but I'd have to put Charis in that category, as well. I love Margaret Atwood but I feel as though she fell into the trap of stereotyping her characters and...
  3. Comeflyaway

    David Wroblewski: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.

    I've just finally gotten my hands on this book and started it last night. I do tend to be put off by knowing that a book's on Oprah's list, but I won't avoid it because of that (and I did love Middlesex, too, as well as I Know This Much is True!). Anyway, this was on Amazon's top lists for a...
  4. Comeflyaway

    Excited to have found this forum

    Most recently, I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb, about the sane identical twin of a schizophrenic man. Its 900+ pages kept me glued to it for an entire weekend. Then again, I am a psychology nerd at heart -- went to school for it :)
  5. Comeflyaway

    Steven Galloway The Cellist of Sarajevo

    P.S. I have also recently read "Hotel Sarajevo" by Jack Kersh, and that little unknown gem had absolutely everything that was missing from this book. I found it accidentally at the library while I was looking for a different book in the "K" section, and was riveted. It was sad, but beautiful...
  6. Comeflyaway

    Steven Galloway The Cellist of Sarajevo

    I just finished reading "The Cellist of Sarajevo" by Steven Galloway, and I've got be honest, it was a little disappointing. I know people are going to disagree with me on this, but hear me out. On the plus side, it gave a lot of insight into a modern-day war-torn area that I know little...
  7. Comeflyaway

    Nelson DeMille

    The only book of his that I've read is Up Country. For what it is, an adventure book, I really enjoyed it. It had suspense and action and all that, and it kept me turning the pages. But at the same time, I wouldn't put it in my favorites list. The love subplot was predictable to me, and I didn't...
  8. Comeflyaway

    Excited to have found this forum

    Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I've been on another book forum for a while and have gotten really bored with the lack of participation and discussion on it. I've just found this forum and it looks pretty awesome so I'm excited about that :) I've been a big reader my whole life...