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  1. L

    Any Reality Dysfunction Fans?

    Just finished this trilogy and thought it was absolutely fantastic. Agree that the ending was a bit naff but as I was fully prepared from previous posts it didn't upset me too much. I read all three books back to back and couldn't have done it any other way -apart from anything else I was...
  2. L

    Dennis Lehane: Shutter Island

    I agree this was a great book :D An easy to read page turner with a fantastic ending.
  3. L

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger

    It is indeed. I thought it was so fantastic that when I finished the last book I started right from the beginning again!
  4. L

    Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game

    If you enjoyed Enders Game I would recommend reading the Shadow series. The first book (Ender's Shadow) tells the story of Enders Game through Bean's eyes - this might sound boring but it is really well done and even though you know how the story ends it is still quite gripping. The second...
  5. L

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger

    Just noticed this post but the website www.darktower.net has a section doing exactly that if you are still interested!
  6. L

    running out of petrol depreciation

    fair enough - it wasn't meant to be a criticism. I guess I was just thinking along the lines of why put it off until the absolute last minute when you need to do it anyway? I work with lots of people who seem to apply the 'leave it until the last possible minute' approach and it bugs me :mad:
  7. L

    running out of petrol depreciation

    don't mean to state the obvious but can't you just remember to go before it runs out? :confused:
  8. L

    Sebastian Faulks

    I think it was first published in 1997. As for the hype, nothing specific except for The Big Read thing.
  9. L

    Sebastian Faulks

    I loved Birdsong but read it many years ago before I heard any hype about it which often helps. I must say that I have read Girl at the Lion D'Or and agree that it was a bit dull. Charlotte Gray was better but nowhere near as good as Birdsong. I tried to read On Green Dolphin Street but...
  10. L


    Doesn't the fact that the Tower sent Roland back mean that it is now in danger of falling again? Can't quite work out the logic. It is a long time since I read The Gunslinger but having read some posts on thedarktower.net it appears that there are clues in it to suggest that Roland has been...
  11. L

    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    I have started a new thread on this so I don't have to put a massive spoiler box in ....
  12. L

    Robert Pirsig: Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance

    you could try www.audible.com. I haven't used them myself but they have a vast selection of audio books (including the one you are looking for).
  13. L

    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    Spoiler for page 312 The Dark Tower VII: As Bernard says, I don't want to read this book quickly because then it will all be over but I can't concentrate on anything else until I know how it all ends!
  14. L

    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    I know what you mean! about 150 pages in and good so far :D
  15. L

    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    It has finally arrived :D bloomin' Amazon - at least it came in time for the weekend - I know what I'll be doing this weekend!
  16. L

    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    Dark Tower VII out today :D Amazon gave me a dispatch date of 20 September when I ordered it last week but it hasn't even been dispatched yet :mad: Knew I shouldn't have been a cheapskate and ordered it from Amazon instead of going to the book shop.
  17. L

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    just pre-ordered The Dark Tower VII from Amazon - should arrive next Tuesday :D very excited. Also ordered: Enchantment (Orsen Scott Card), American Gods (Neil Gaiman) and I Am Legend (Richard Matheson).
  18. L

    Burnout 3

    Anyone played this yet? Burnout is one of my favourite PS2 games and I have been waiting for ages for this to come out and thankfully it is fantastic. Graphics are unbelievable and the changes they have made to the way the game is played are all good. Burnout 2 was a bit 'more of the same'...
  19. L

    Horrible characters

    Gwenhwyfar - Mists of Avalon. I am really enjoying this book but this character is so pathetic, selfish, closed minded and whiney that it is driving me mad. What do Arthur and Lancelot see in her? grrrrrr :mad:
  20. L

    Comedy books!!!

    I recommend The Best a Man Can Get - John O'Farrell. It is a lighthearted, observational type comedy about a man who gets a bit freaked out by fatherhood, responsibility etc and starts leading a double life that his wife knows nothing about. Few books make me laugh out loud but this was one of...