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Search results

  1. lilbiteb

    José Saramago: Blindness

    I loved the book. I found that the confusing style that it was written added to the atmosphere of how the blind people must have felt. One thing that I didn't really get was [spoiler]when they slept with each other, particularly the doctor sleeping with the girl with dark glasses. Why would...
  2. lilbiteb

    Voting: November 2005 Book of the Month

    I managed to pick up a copy of TPODG today for pennies in a second hand shop so that's who I'm voting for this time. Also, the nice thing about it is that, even new, it's very affordable for those on a tight budget. I also fancy reading Lolita, possibly next month, and I just loved Cloud...
  3. lilbiteb

    Christopher Paolini: Eldest

    My son who's 11 has just finished Eldest this evening. When I asked if it was as good as Eragon he replied "Kind of, but not as much blood and fighting, which is a shame" Boys eh? He loved the fact that he was reading such a big book, it really made him feel proud and competant. I loved just...
  4. lilbiteb

    José Saramago: Blindness

    I started Blindness this morning and I just can't put it down. The writing style is very strange and at first I thought that I might struggle with it but I'm doing fine with it now. Personally if I was struggling after 114 pages I'd dump it right now. I have too many books to read to spend time...
  5. lilbiteb

    what do you think

    I was going to get Jordans book but felt a bit of a chav for wanting to read it. :rolleyes: I might give it a go now that someone else here has read it!
  6. lilbiteb

    Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret Life Of Bees

    I was lucky enough to get a free copy of this with a magazine a couple of months back. I really enjoyed it. Sometimes its quite a relief to read something not too big, not too taxing but still thought provoking.
  7. lilbiteb

    Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

    I had to cart it about in its own bag. I too bought it in Tescos for £3.73 as the hardback was just too heavy for me to hold. I love Tescos for books! :)
  8. lilbiteb


    My son is 11 years old and goes to a special school. He is upstairs at the moment reading it. I can hear him giggling and gasping, he simply can't put it down! He is so proud that he's reading such a big book.That's good enough for me. The pleasure that its giving me is wonderful. :)
  9. lilbiteb

    Any other Dickens fans out there?

    Wonderful suggestions, thank you. I think that I'll try to get a copy with all of the Christmas stories in. :)
  10. lilbiteb

    Any other Dickens fans out there?

    Any suggestions as to the best Dickens book to read first of all? I've never read any and would like to read a good one first to grab me. I was thinking of David Copperfield but it looks like one of the biggest and that put me off a bit. (Says she who's reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell!)...
  11. lilbiteb

    Dan Brown

    I liked Angels and Demons best and Deception Point second best. I've read the other two as well but don't think that I'll read any more of his books in the future. I've grown tired of his "formula" already.
  12. lilbiteb

    Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

    I'm just rushing off now to read the last 27 pages, I'm just loving this book! :)
  13. lilbiteb

    Can You Part With Them Easily?

    I used to keep so many books but never, ever re-read them. Last year I decided to un-clutter things a bit so I made the decision to give away or sell almost every book. It's actually made me read more as I no longer worry about the piles of them all over the place! Also, I get some money...
  14. lilbiteb

    Tell us about "your" bookstore.

    Wow! I'm going to be moving to Canmore from England soon. What great news to hear that it has such a good bookshop! :)
  15. lilbiteb

    looking for suggestions........

    I was just gripped by The English Passengers by Matthew Kneale. It's sad that this book isn't too well known. I adored it from start to finish, by the end I felt like I'd been on an amazing journey back in time and to Tazmania and back. I thought about it for a very long time afterwards. :)
  16. lilbiteb

    Voting: October 2005 Book of the Month

    I voted for Catch 22, I've been meaning to read it for years now. I couldn't get into The Shadow of the Wind.
  17. lilbiteb

    Mitch Albom: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

    I've just finished reading the Five People You Meet in Heaven. I enjoyed it very much and found that it was a nice light "summer" book. I have several friends that I'm going to pass it on to. :)
  18. lilbiteb

    Your child's favorite book(s)

    My 10 year old sons favourite books are Varjak Paw by SF Said and Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. He loved both of these. He said to highly recommend them here. :)
  19. lilbiteb

    Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

    I've just found a second hand copy (with the ribbon!) for £1/$1.80/C$2.20. I'm almost scared to start it as I can see its probably going to take me so long to read it and I have a pile of other books waiting so patiently to be picked up. Off I go... wish me luck!! :)
  20. lilbiteb

    Worst or most disappointing book?

    I just couldn't got into The Life of Pi. I'm wondering whether to give it another try though, you know how sometimes you're just not in the mood for a certain book and other times you are.