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  1. igkuk7

    Iain Banks

    I've only read two Culture novels, and one of them had The Culture as the bad guys, but The Culture is basically like the dominant empire throughout the universe. There are other, smaller empires, but The Culture is the big one. I forget the ideas behind it, but it's things like no laws...
  2. igkuk7

    Iain Banks

    I've read Wasp Factory and Complicity, both were excellent. As for sci-fi, I just finished The Player of Games. It was great. Again with the different styles. Consider Phlebas was just an all out action fest, whereas this was a quite subtle story about another culture with some great...
  3. igkuk7

    Question for the Brits

    Well, I don't speak for all Brits, but I say it: Thursday the first of April, 2004. I tried to punctuate it how I say it. Remember though, I'm scouse so that may be impairing my speech skills.
  4. igkuk7

    Britain's Best Sitcom

    I did think Only Fools and Horses would win, but I don't think it is that good. There are a lot of good episodes but it has been drawn out too much. If only they had stopped with the Batman and Robin episode, that was utter brilliance to watch. For me it was a close call between Fawlty Towers...
  5. igkuk7

    Terry Pratchett: Good Omens

    I remember rumours a while back that this was being made into a movie with Terry Gilliam to direct. Not sure what happened there, I think it fell through.
  6. igkuk7

    Terry Pratchett: Good Omens

    Great book. Hilariously funny. Style and humour was similar to Discworld, but Gaiman brought an added darker edge to it that makes it great. Most memorable part: The 4 other horsemen of the apocalypse.
  7. igkuk7


    I was familar with the comic a while ago but I haven't read it. And yes, I cannot wait for this film, it's almost got me as excited as Van Helsing, but not quite that much.
  8. igkuk7

    From the Page to Reality

    The city from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. I think it's L.A. of the future, but it's been a while since I read it so I might be wrong.
  9. igkuk7

    Currently Reading

    Night Watch is my favourite Discworld novel. It's just as funny, the story was great and you got to see all the characters when they were younger. :D
  10. igkuk7

    Currently Reading

    You guys really know how to get a guy excited about a book don't you?
  11. igkuk7

    Currently Reading

    Well, after finishing Legend I think I can handle a bad ending. Man that ending really stunk. This Night's Dawn one isn't that bad is it?
  12. igkuk7

    Currently Reading

    I'm just about to start The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks. Looking forward to it highly if it is anywhere as good as Consider Phlebas was. After this I think I will give the Night's Dawn trilogy a bash. I'm brave enough, I've read The Stand.
  13. igkuk7

    Tell me something about yourself.

    I'd expect some serious backlash for that spoiler Mile. Not from me though, I don't think Coldplay are as good as they are made out to be, but they are still better than most of the chart stuff. Something about me......erm.... I once wrote story about a forgetful elephant and a goldfish with...
  14. igkuk7

    So beautiful, I love it

    I love some classical music. Tchaicovksy's 1812 Beethoven Symphony No. 9 And I like that one from that Carmen opera. I can never remember the name, but I'm sure someone will know which one I mean. Oh, and my personal favourite is Figaro. The one from the very beginning to Mrs...
  15. igkuk7

    thriller authors?

    Yes, Complicity is a thriller. It's basically about some guy who goes around killing people in the most yucky ways imagineable. Very simple, but very good and extremely effective. He also does Sci-Fi novels which are just as good.
  16. igkuk7


    Silence for me. I prefer silence but it is so damn hard to come by, so I am usually reading over the noise of the TV or music from other members of the household.
  17. igkuk7

    Someone reccomend me something

    I'm not sure what I didn't like about it. I read it in amongst a bunch of Philip K. Dick, and they styles are just a tad different. I just didn't enjoyed it, it seemed to be trying to be too clever if you get what I mean. I'll jump over to that forum now. Maybe I'll remember what it was...
  18. igkuk7

    thriller authors?

    The Straw Men - Michael Marshall It's not a thriller in the Tom Clancy style, more in the Robert Harris style, I think. Anyway, whatever it is, it was one hell of a read. Had me hooked all the way through. And the sequel is coming out soon, so there is no better time to get it read. And yes...
  19. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Red Dwarf is good, a kind of toned down Hitchhiker's and not as funny. But when you have a scouser, a hologram, an android and a creature evolved from cats, then you are sure to enjoy yourself. I have seen them repeated on BBC2 a few times, but not nearly enough as they should be. Good news...
  20. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    At least you have the players. We don't do anything and only have 2 players that are any good.