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  1. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Not collectively, no, but come on, look at some of them players. You got a team full of world beaters, a damn sight better player for player than the English team.
  2. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    You've got a pretty nifty football(soccer) team there though Martin, so you are good at at least one thing.
  3. igkuk7

    Force yourself

    No, it's just Iain with the two i's that's the same. But I could be Iain Banks if I wanted to, I just don't want to. I like my surname very much, and there is no way I am changing my middle name from 'danger' just to appease him. :p
  4. igkuk7

    Force yourself

    Ahem, it is Iain Banks, and Iain M. Banks. I wouldn't normally care, but when you shaqre the same name as someone, you know...........you just have to correct it. :D And you have to read The Wasp Factory Wabbit. Have to, have to, have to!
  5. igkuk7

    Someone reccomend me something

    I've read 18 of them, all fantastic, except perhaps More Than Human, but I must own at least 4/5 of them.
  6. igkuk7

    Someone reccomend me something

    Now that is a good recommendation list!
  7. igkuk7

    Force yourself

    Yeah, I'd be interested to know what Dead Air is like as well Martin. My brother has it, I could steal...........borrow it for him if it's good.
  8. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Red Dwarf was great. Not Blackadder great, but still smeggin' good. "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"
  9. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Blackadder: "I'm as poor as a church mouse, that's just had an enormous tax bill on the very day his wife ran off with another mouse, taking all the cheese.." Baldrick: "Hear the words I sing, War's a horrid thing, But still I sing, sing, sing, Ding a ling a ling." Blackadder (on Charlie...
  10. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Wow, people here have a good taste in humour. I can't tell you the amount of arguments I've had defending Python, Milligan and Blackadder amongst others.
  11. igkuk7

    Force yourself

    Yeah, I have done that Martin. I did it with The Notebook, and that turned out good. I also did it with Girl in a Swing and Slaughterhouse 5. Sometimes it has turned out good, sometimes bad, but at least they are not on my TBR pile anymore.
  12. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    I don't think Seinfeld is that funny. It is nowhere near Python funny in my opinion. I think Frasier is funnier than Seinfeld.
  13. igkuk7

    A question on IP and copyrights

    On copyright, I seem to remember something about the copyright on Mickey Mouse being up soon, so then everyone and anyone can make a Mickey Mouse cartoon.
  14. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Go boils you bottoms! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away or I shall be forced to taunt you a second time. :p
  15. igkuk7

    And Now for Something Completely Different

    Spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, spammedy spam wonderful spam! I love Monty Python. Favourite sketch is probably the argument clinic. "Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position." "Yes, but that's not just saying 'No it isn't.'" "Yes it is!" "No it isn't!"...
  16. igkuk7

    Your Pets

    Isn't that just one of the cutest things you've ever seen. I took that. That's my dog Amy. She is 9 years old. :D
  17. igkuk7

    I, Robot

    I like Mars Attacks. But one thing always annoyed me. The martians breathe nitrogen, so they need to chew gum to breathe on Earth. But isn't over 70% of the air nitrogen? :confused: Perhaps I should switch to the question thread.
  18. igkuk7

    How soon after one book do you start your next?

    Well, I write it all in Notepad, save it as .html then bung it onto my blueyonder server. None of this new-fangled Front Page or Dreamweaver for me, just pure HTML. :D I guess it must be halfway decent, 600+ people can't be wrong. :p And hear is a funny fact from a few weeks back...
  19. igkuk7

    How soon after one book do you start your next?

    I always write reviews. All can be found here: http://www.igkuk7.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ Click Books at the top, then choose a category at the bottom to find all the older reviews. Some of the older ones are very bare and quite frankly, rubbish. But I have taken to writing a tad bit more...
  20. igkuk7

    Soul Music

    I own Soul Music on DVD. I got it from Amazon as it was only £7 I think. I thought they did a pretty good job with it, most of the good jokes are still in there. It is never going to be a match for the book but I enjoyed the 3 hours of it and the music was pretty groovy as well. I...