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    It is in trouble of falling again, but the fact that the tower is still standing means that he's always gotten to it. At the top of the tower he seems to realize what is about to happen. And when he's climbing he hears "Cort was it" asking why he left the Horn at Jerico Hill. He shrugs it off...
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    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    Lyra, have you finished the book? That wasn't how I saw the end of this series. I want to know what you think.
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    Stephen King: Wolves Of The Calla

    Lyra - Let me know what you think. I'm just about half way through it myself. I'm almost hesitant to read it too fast. :) Trying to savor the last one!!
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    Currently Reading

    Currently reading Stephen King's last Dark Tower book, The Dark Tower. I started this series about 10 years ago so it's been a long wait. I'm almost afraid to finish it though...then it'll be over.
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    Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers

    I enjoyed this book. It wasn't my all time favorite but I liked. I felt that Athos for me was probably the least annoying. I thought I would never get past the part where Milady was in her brother in laws prison...but in the end wasn't that bad.
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    Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers

    Up until now I think this book is great. I chose to read it in french. I was afraid that I was going to have difficulties understanding the way it was written but I'm not. It's really good.
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    The best so far?

    My favorite book so far this year has been Animal Farm - George Orwell.
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    I just finished reading...

    Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I thought this book was great. It was my first Dickens book. I had a hard time getting through the book. I think it was because I wasn't used to the style of writting. But in the end, I really enjoyed this book. I think the characters in the book are...
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    Charles Dickens

    I've just finished Great Expectations. I love the characters in this book. I'm undecided about which Dickens book to read next. I'd like to read Tale of 2 cities, but I've heard that Oliver Twist, or David Copperfield is good as well. Ah, too many books. I might just read them all. :rolleyes:
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    Suggestions: September 2004

    This may be a book that quite a few people have read before but I'd like to suggest Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
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    Neil Gaiman

    I noticed that Neil Gaiman wasn't in the Author discussion, therefore decided to start a Thread. I've read a few of his books (American Gods, Good Omens with Terry Pratchett and Stardust) and so far I really like his writting. Has anyone read Neverwhere? I heard it was his best?
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    Terry Pratchett: Good Omens

    I just finished this book. I thought this was a great book. I read it because I loved American Gods- Neil Gaiman and wanted to find something else by him. I think that I might just try to find something else by Terry Pratchett now. I hear that the discworlds are good as well. :)
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    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    I suppose you're right. We are here to debate. Although, I don't mind controversial books, I sometimes find it difficult to distinguish when an author is not trying to sell his opinion, and just gives it to you. I felt that in Life of Pi, Martel's ideology wasn't really hidden. The boy, Pi, came...
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    Suggest just one book to read.

    I would suggest Animal Farm - George Orwell. It's not too intimidating for it's length or size. And it's an awesome book.
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    Yann Martel: Life of Pi

    Although I believe that this would make for a great debate, I won't go to much into it. I do want to point out that you generalize by saying that only people who regard New Age as their way of life will like this book. This would mean that if I liked this book I automatically agree with whatever...
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    Margaret Atwood

    I've read 2 of Atwood's books. I really enjoyed Oryx and Crake. When I was reading Blind Assasin I had another book that I wanted to go to so therefore hurried myself to finish it. I liked it, altough I might read it again some day.
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    Fragments v. 2.0

    Great Expectations My Father's family name being Pirrip, and my christian name Philip, my infant tongue could of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip." Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (Just starting)
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    Currently Reading

    I've heard that the discworld books were funny as well. I might try them as well. I'd wanted to read Good Omens because I'd read American Gods by Neil Gaiman and really liked it. So I was mostly reading it for him. But I think I might try Terry Pratchett soon. Thanks. :rolleyes:
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    Currently Reading

    I'm currently reading Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I'm nearly done and I must say I'm really enjoying this book. One of the first books that I've actually laughed out loud while reading. :rolleyes:
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    How quicly do you forget a book you've read?

    I usually remember most of the books that I read. I may forget a few characters and sub-plots but I usually remember the gist of the story. The books that I've really enjoyed I read a few times.