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  1. B

    Hype Monkeys & Ignorant Readers

    It's usage with the Rule of Four moslty. I'd never heard of the actual Hypnerotomachia before reading the book. Make sure to give me your views on the actual book when you read it. I'd like to hear them.
  2. B

    Hype Monkeys & Ignorant Readers

    I've actually read both of them. And like you, I didn't find The Rule of Four all that exciting. I thought that the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili was very interesting, "but very hard to pronounce when you read it! :) " It was lacking in character development and actual story.
  3. B

    5 Favourite Books

    5 Favourite books for now. Animal Farm - George Orwell American Gods - Neil Gaiman The Stand - Stephen King Life of Pi - Yann Martel The Dark Tower Series - Stephen King
  4. B

    I just finished reading...

    That's good. I really liked American God by Neil Gaiman and was looking for something else by him. I'll eventually read the HP books, I have quite a list of my own to go through though. :)
  5. B

    Hardback or Paperback

    Like most I prefer paperback. Mostly for the size and Practicality. I like to read from a hardcover, but only when I'm halfway through the book, then it stays open on it's own. :rolleyes:
  6. B

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Actually Foucault's Pendulum was because of a suggestion that you had posted I think. Thanks. :rolleyes:
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    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I'm waiting to receive in the mail 5 books from Chapters. Good Omens, Great Expectations, Catcher in the Rye, Foucault's Pendulum and Count of Monte Cristo.
  8. B

    I just finished reading...

    Was the Harry Potter book really great? I've always kinda kept away from them, maybe I should try them out. I've just finished 1984-George Orwell, starting Good Omens-Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett.
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    Going to Work

    Good evening Sapper, I just got to work as well. I have to say though, I would never have as much excitement as you would. I get excited if a customer complains when they can't get service! "Call Centre" Ah well, I hope you have good night.
  10. B

    I just finished reading...

    I just finished Animal Farm by George Orwell. I usually don't pass judgement on books so quickly but I must say it's one of my favorite books. I truly loved it. I think everyone should be forced to read this book! But I suppose it would go against what the book represents! :rolleyes:
  11. B

    Life Time Reading Plan

    I can see how it would be interesting. I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M. Pirsig, he wrote alot about the theories of Kant, Plato, Aristotle and other Philosophers. I personally loved it. Maybe a book that would sumerize their theories?
  12. B

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger

    Well, if I were to buy them again I'd probably choose the rewritten version. I'd wish you could go somewhere and see which parts were added to the new book. That way you could cheat and not have to buy it again! :rolleyes:
  13. B

    Goodmorning, you guys, ^&^ pic

    Hello everyone, How is everyone this morning? It's very early morning here but everything is great! :rolleyes:
  14. B

    Stephen King: The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger

    lies, I know that he has rewritten the Gunslinger book. I haven't read the revised copy but I heard that he was asked if it was worth rereading it if you'd read the first copy and he said no. I'll probably read it once I read the last one.
  15. B

    Life Time Reading Plan

    I wish you good luck. In your reading, and college. :rolleyes:
  16. B

    Life Time Reading Plan

    I think the hardest thing for me would be the subject of the books. Plato or Aristotle book on Ethics would seem to be a very dry read. I suppose any books from Part I would be. Like Litany said, it would almost seem like work. :rolleyes:
  17. B

    Life Time Reading Plan

    Wow, that's quite the list. I think I would keep the list as a reference for books that I could read if my own list runs dry. It would take me a lifetime to read this whole list. If I were to read from this list I would probably start on the bottom of the list going up. :rolleyes:
  18. B

    I just finished reading...

    I completed Brave New World. I loved this book. It was quite disturbing.
  19. B

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I bought Fahrenheit 451 and Animal Farm. I was thinking about buying Foucault's Pendulum-Umberto Eco next and Good Omens-Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett from the reviews I've been reading on this site. Thanks :rolleyes:
  20. B

    What fiction book do you keep reading over and over?

    I've read the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King multiple times. I try to reread them when a new book from the series comes out. Last one in September. I suppose I should reread them one last time. :rolleyes: