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Search results

  1. C

    If I Liked Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (Fantasy Newby)

    A friend and I both read this novel and really enjoyed it. We both LOVED the characters and the way the details of the story made the "world" come alive to us. This is a first venture in the fantasy genre for both of us (shhhhhh - actually its the second - we both read the Harry Potter books...
  2. C

    Books you have bought but haven't read yet

    My problem is I buy books (hopefully at a bargain) that I am just DYING to read and then I take my kids to the programs at the local public library and can't help "picking up" something that I am just DYING to read more. So the shelf remains full and the library books keep coming in.
  3. C

    ISO Schoolhouse Rocks

    I am looking for the original Schoolhouse Rocks songs for my kids. I can get the box set on Ebay for over $100 which I just refuse. Any other ideas? I looked for a place to download them and couldn't find one. I heard that ITunes has it (not verified) but it doesn't matter to me because I...
  4. C

    Books you never expected to like

    "You People" and your Nabokov - am I really going to have to subject myself to reading this and feeling like an idiot AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) Maybe I should download the audio book and listen to it at the gym - will that be good enough for "you people"????? Speaking of audio books -...
  5. C

    Members' Booklist threads

    I liked the idea, too. When I read a post by someone who likes a book I liked, it is great to know what other books that person has enjoyed so I can try them, too.
  6. C

    Books you never expected to like

    Since then I read Isaac's Storm (also by Erik Larson) and loved that, too. I recommend it to you...
  7. C

    Books you never expected to like

    I read The Devil in the White City (Erik Larson) because I wanted to join the book discussion group at our local library and that was the book they were reading. The cover looked interesting but I was never one to read non-fiction and I always hated history in school. Well, I ended up LOVING...
  8. C

    Mug Shot Quiz

    74% Seems to be a common response...
  9. C

    Children's Books re: Diversity, Racism, Differences, etc.

    I picked up this book at my local library and I think it is FANTASTIC. I am reading it with my son and he is so interested in learning about other children. He is asking a million questions and doesn't want to put it down to go to bed. Also, after we read about each child we look for things...
  10. C

    Halloween books for kids

    My kids are "gobbling" up Halloween books, too. My 2 year old is in love with In a Dark, Dark House by Jennifer Dussling. Its is one of those early reader All Aboard Reading books that I bought for the 5 year old who is learning to read. It is a fun one because it has some pictures...
  11. C

    What is your Book Discussion Group reading these days?

    Abcde - are you a librarian? Just curious...
  12. C

    What is your Book Discussion Group reading these days?

    abcde: My book group was talking about starting a half hour earlier to have a more "open" discussion prior to discussing the book of the month - we haven't yet decided on that. Is yours an interesting discussion? What is f2f? Also, what is interesting to me is that the thing that...
  13. C

    Contemporary Literature vs. what??????

    OK, what is the difference between "contemporary literature" and hmmmmm ... what shall we call the other group of contemporary work???? Bestsellers? Junk? I don't know... Are you cooler if you read contemporary literature?
  14. C

    Children's Books re: Diversity, Racism, Differences, etc.

    Thanks to all for the information, suggestions, advice and stories! I am on it!
  15. C

    Neil Gaiman: American Gods

    I just started reading American Gods and so far I am really enjoying it. I am posting this question to you who have finished the book. I will admit that, in an effort not to spoil the book for me, I have not read through this thread or any others concerning this book, so if this question has...
  16. C

    Children's Books re: Diversity, Racism, Differences, etc.

    Yesterday, my 5 year old son made a comment about someone's "dark skin" that I was none too happy about. Of course, I am not sure what prompted the commented, but, obviously, my husband and I aren't doing a good enough job (and we thought we were the BEST PARENTS ON EARTH ;) ). We live in a...
  17. C

    Reading List

    I just read this book called: Bad Land - An American Romance that, I think, fits your description. I didn't enjoy the book, but I was the only one in my book discussion group that didn't - everyone else LOVED it. It was written by a British guy (Jonathan Raban) about the homesteaders...
  18. C

    Reading List

    Question America as in United States or as in North America/South America?
  19. C

    What is your Book Discussion Group reading these days?

    I attend the book discussion group at the local public library and I am really enjoying it. The best thing for me is that I am reading books I may never have picked up on my own. The library just published the list for 2007 and here it is: January - The Children’s Blizzard - David Laskin...
  20. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Caught the review this morning - off the list already... Ended up reading "Neverwhere" (Gaiman) and loved it. Right now I am reading David Sedaris' "Naked" because "my sister made me" - its entertaining - the jury is still out...