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  1. C

    September Reads

    How kind - but (confession) I read most of it in August. Thanks for trying to make me feel better! :D
  2. C

    Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

    It's a Shame About Ray - The Lemonheads
  3. C

    September Reads

    Stewart - you always make me feel like such a slacker... My reads this month: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke (started in August) Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith Paula - Isabelle Allende Bad Lands: An American Romance - Jonathan Raban (what a snore-fest)
  4. C

    Help Wanted for an Olympic Challenge

    Interesting Website My 5 year old has been interested in finding out information about Palau - one of his teachers is from there. In our hunt, I found this website and immediately thought of your olympic challenge. It might be helpful... http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/portals.html...
  5. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Yes - I saw that somewhere (maybe in another post of yours). I am not a fan of the short story but am considering this because I did absolutly fall in love with those characters and would love to visit with them again.
  6. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Yes. In fact, I had picked it up after having read Beneath a Marble Sky (John Shors) back in May and put it back down because I decided to read The Crimson Petal and the White. Thanks, Stewart, I had forgetten about that book.
  7. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Thanks everyone... I don't normally go for sci-fi, fantasy books, but I have to say that I really enjoyes Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell so I am now open to that. I found a few books by that name, which do you mean? ABCD, you are the second person to recommend that Trilogy to me...
  8. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone - its nice to know you all care ;) :D I knew that someone was going to ask me this extremely relevant question... I like books that are: Long-ish (I love series, when a good book ends I miss it) More about the characters than the setting or the...
  9. C

    This or That - Relying on your advice...

    Since the book I am reading right now is ridiculously boring (finishing it for a discussion group), I am determined that the next book I read will be great. I am relying on you, the experts, for advice. I went to the library yesterday and picked up some books by authors I have learned about on...
  10. C

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Boy Scout Book Sale Proceeds go to a library in New Orleans... Prodigal Summer - Barbara Kingsolver The Judges - Elie Wiesel The Sea - John Banville All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie Secret Life of...
  11. C

    Making a Book List for Korean Students

    How about looking up reading lists from other schools at that level. For example, here are the links to the middle school and high school reading lists for my town. Both are very competitve schools - the high school is ranked in the top 100 in the US...
  12. C

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    No - I am not a homeschooler - my eldest son just started kindergarten and I am trying to help him learn to read - since he doesn't like sitting down for more than 8 seconds, I am trying to find books about things that interest him (like dinosaurs). Also, my husband is a science geek and my son...
  13. C

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    My latest Amazon order... Dancing Dinos (Step-Into-Reading, Step 1) and Dancing Dinos Go To School (Step Into Reading) By: Sally Lucas (Author), Margeaux Lucas (Illustrator) Supertwins Level 2: The Dangerous Dino-Robots and Supertwins #2 By: Brian James (Author), Chris Demarest...
  14. C

    The first sentence in the book you're reading

    Chapter 1 - The Open Door Breasting the regular swells of land, on a red dirt road as true as a line of longitude, the car was like a boat at sea. Bad Land - An American Romance Jonathan Raban (I am reading this for my book group and, quite honestly, am not sure how I am going to get...
  15. C

    August Reads

    The Life of Pi - Yann Martel Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides One for the Money - Janet Evanovich Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke (finished in Sept)
  16. C

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    AAUW Used Book Sale - Bernardsville, NJ I recently got all these books at this sale and spent less than $30. Isabel Allende - Daughter of Fortune Isabel Allende - Portrait in Sepia Isabel Allende - Paula Isabel Allende - The House of the Spirits Alice Sebold - The Lovely Bones Jung...
  17. C

    July Reads

    Mao: The Unknown Story - Jung Chang & Jon Halliday The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick Cage of Stars - Jacquelyn Mitchard The Book Thief - Markus Zusak High Fidelity - Nick Hornby As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner ABC - did you enjoy the Allende book - I am looking for a first...
  18. C

    Khaled Hosseini: The Kite Runner

    Any Thoughts on this... I just got home from a book group where we discussed The Kite Runner. One of the guys thought that it was very "interesting" that the author made Aseef (sp?) half European - he was the biggest bully and - why half European and why make such a big deal about it (the...
  19. C

    Books you didn't finish

    I have a problem I can't NOT finish a book - even if I don't like it, I am compelled to finish, regardless. For example, I was going to read Ahab's Wife for my book group so I deceided it would be interesting to read Moby Dick first - an American classic, one of those books you should read...
  20. C

    June 2006 Reads

    June The Shadow in the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafron Angels & Demons - Dan Brown Night - Elie Wiesel Everyman - Philip Roth Moon's Crossing - Barbara Croft The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - Alexander McCall Smith White Noise - Don Delillo A Long Way Down - Nick Hornby The Kite Runner -...