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  1. V

    Me, introducing myself

    Ahoy! Welcome aboard, FIN. You'll be fine, your English sounds top notch. :) i'm also not English, just by the by. I'm Afrikaans.
  2. V

    The 6th book

    I'd really like to read all of the HP books. I'm not that fond of the movie adaptations. Dunno. I'll decide soon enough.
  3. V

    J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord Of The Rings

    I think Tolkein must be one of the most overrated writers alive. LOTR failed to entrance me. The battle scenes were a torture to read. There were too many long winded descriptive passages. I didn't really feel empathy for a particular character. The movies weren't much better. I fell...
  4. V

    The 6th book

    A question to you. Should I bother reading the 6th book or just skip to the 7th one? I read the 5th when it was released but it didn't impress me very much. How similar is book 5 and 6? (Please excuse the grammar. It's damn early in the morning.)
  5. V

    Typos or Mistakes in Books

    For once, I wanted to buy a book in my mother tongue. Problem with Afrikaans is that we don't have millions of authors to choose from. So I settled on Agaat and decided to apply the page 99 test. Not only did it fail miserably, my head swirled with all the typo's! "hr" instead of "her" for...
  6. V

    Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

    This is strange.. We in SA only got to know about this book late last year. I wonder why? I bought it in December and got to roughly page 100 and just couldn't got into it. I gave up and will give it another go after I finish Half of a Yellow Sun.
  7. V

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I shall certainly do so! :)
  8. V

    Do you have a newspaper subscription?

    I do subscribe to a newspaper. It's a weekly called the Sunday Times. Funny thing is that I never receive it.. Thanks for reminding me!
  9. V

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I got Half of a yellow Sun! It's by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I'm so terribly excited to start! :)
  10. V

    your top ten tv shows

    Dexter, anyone? May I introduce a show that might just feature on my top 10 shows after one or two seasons? Dexter's amazing. It's funny how likeable a serial killer can be.
  11. V

    your top ten tv shows

    This'll be tough.. I don't watch tv. I only watch when forced to. 1. South Park 2. The Simpsons (the older episodes) 3. The X Files (also the older episodes) 4. Desperate Housewives 5. Prison Break 6. Sex and the City 7. Beverley Hills 90210 8. The Outer Limits 9. The 4400(where's...
  12. V

    South Park

    Yeah. I'm forever telling my b/f that he needs to give me more South Park episodes to watch. So far, the Nintendo Wii episode's been my all time favourite. Or is it Smug Alert? But South Park's excellent. I'm a very recent convert (last 2 months only) and never used to watch it. I used...
  13. V

    Most harrowing chapter in a novel

    Now you make me want to reread the book.. :) I can't remember the chapter (I read the book 8 years ago) but know how you feel. You almost feel powerless. I get that a lot of times. I got it when reading The Outsider and Stepford Wives, to an extent.
  14. V

    When you look for a new book . . .

    I mostly read classics so it's pretty easy knowing what to buy. Price is never much of an issue because I normally go to 2nd hand stores.
  15. V

    Online book lists

    Frazy.com I use Frazy.com and love it, love it, love it! It's so much better than an Excel Spreadsheet. You can give books/movies/music a rating out of 5, write comments on it, see what everyone else reads.. And it has pictures! I tried using All Consuming but found that too tiresome...
  16. V

    Website Icon

    I think that's a fabulous idea. I love website icons and was disappointed that B&R doesn't have any. So I'll second the idea!
  17. V

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    I created mine some years back and it's my default username. For Frazy, for this as well as my hotmail handle. It's great cause it means nothing and no one else will use it. Oh and it has quite a nice ring to it!
  18. V

    Are you a member of any book club(s)?

    I started a bookclub here in my area and it's such fun! We had our first official meeting last night and for that we read White Teeth by Zadie Smith. We shall read Never Let Me Go for the next one. Can't wait!
  19. V

    Book blogs

    Ooh! Thank you. These are excellent!
  20. V

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I just got Siddhartha and Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Might start on the latter today still.