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Search results

  1. V

    Sophie Kinsella

    Stop right there! People actually, seriously, actually read these books? I thought it was just an urban myth..
  2. V

    Ahoy, pirates!

    I'm not a big fan of pirates.. Or pirate books.
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    Carl Deuker: On the Devil's Court

    Yeah, I saw that link but wasn't sure what to make of it... Oh thanks!! Soon White Teeth will also be on there. I love books, I love books, I love books. Tomorrow I'm getting Half a Yellow Sun from my "mentor". He's responsible for my intellectual upbringing as from one month ago. I'll also...
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    Carl Deuker: On the Devil's Court

    It's quite funny that a newbie asks something like this...
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    Your age

    A happy belated Birthday!!!!
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    Your age

    Oh no! That's tantamount to blasphemy!!! you must read it. In 20 years' time, there'll be references to HP in all major works of art and, similar to not ever having read Crime and Punishment, you'll feel like an outsider...
  7. V

    Most loved "classic" novel you've read

    Well, a classic can be an almost newly published book or a tome published in 1627!! I'll most certainly have a look at it. I just hope I'll be able to find it quite easily, being in South Africa and all and all.
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    Most loved "classic" novel you've read

    Is that religious at all? If not I'll try to read it. It sounds as though it can be interesting. Sort of like The Last Temptation of Christ?? I think Les Miserables was excellent. Slow in the beginning but really picked up pace. It probably took me a week or so to finish it. Fine, perhaps a...
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    Hi there!! Welcome. I'm also a newbie. I'm from Cape Town, SA. Hope to see you in all the forums.
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    Your age

    Oh certainly. The only reason I want to have kids is cause I want to read to them!!
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    Your age

    I'm 24 now, almost 25 :eek: I think i bought my set of books in late 2001 when I was 19. I loved it!! Still do. The 5th book was an immense bore... That was the last book I read and I'm not really sure if I want to read the others. If someone can convince me otherwise...
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    Worst or most disappointing book?

    It has to be The world according to Garp. A good friend recommended it when I was in high school. It was such a bore!!
  13. V

    Favorite book

    Does it matter if they're not SF related?? Cause then I can give you a whole long list...:D
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    Hi there, I'm new here

    Well, yeah. :cool: My SO was teasing me cause I'm already subscribed to so many nerdy forums...and now this one as well!! Just joking!
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    how long

    I'm about the same, except I have work. If a book is really interesting to me, I'll finish it in two sittings. If I have lots going on, it'll take a week or so to finish it.
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    Books you never expected to like

    It's one of the best required books out there!!
  17. V

    Books you have bought but haven't read yet

    Oh god. So many books. Most of my babies are in storage but in just one month, I've managed to buy about 12 books. Did I mention I'm on a very, very tight budget? :) Indaba My Children - Credo Mutwa Common Sense - Thomas Paine Brave New World - Huxley Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen...
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    Most hated 'classic' novel you've actually read

    Someone else on here mentioned Dracula. I completely forgot about that most wretched of books.. I'm like to find a copy of it and burn in..along with The Holy Bible..
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    Most hated 'classic' novel you've actually read

    War & Peace. Cather in the Rye Uncle Tom's Cabin The Unbearable Lightness of Being
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    Jodi Picoult: My Sister's Keeper

    If you've read one Picoult, you've read them all. This might be the only one of her books that's worth reading. It was extremely interesting but I agree with one of the other posters in saying it's only interesting up till the last bit. The last bit was too predictable. That was...