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  1. Holger

    Help, I am bored

    Uaaaahahhhh, IS HE REALLY SINGING :eek: ?????? (I have no sound here at the office) :D
  2. Holger


    Darren, wouldn't it be a good idea to have a shoutbox (a little chat-window)? Is that possible with vBulletin? /Holger
  3. Holger

    Help, I am bored

    Thank you Ell and Darren, It helps a lot ... ;) ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS? Have never had such a low period here in the office ... it is a new experience ...
  4. Holger

    Happy Birthday TOBYTOOK!

  5. Holger

    Help, I am bored

    Hi all, I am really bored right now ... does not happen much here at work ... :rolleyes: Any suggestion about cool and interesting webpages I can visit? /Holger :cool:
  6. Holger

    Update profile?

    One stupid question, Darren: How do I update my profile? /Holger EDIT: OKOKOK, I found out! :rolleyes:
  7. Holger

    Astrid Lindgren

    Well it was quit chocking for the Swedes. The whole country stopped in that second. She was the Swedish soul ... ok, that you can say about many people, but in this case that is correct. /Holger
  8. Holger

    Astrid Lindgren

    Hi all, Anyone reading Astrid Lindgrens books? Or should I ask: Has anyone not read any of her books? She past away 28th January 2002, take a look at pictures taken in Stockholm on the 9th May. Astrid Lindgrens stories were a part of my growing up and I LOVE here voice. Everybody...
  9. Holger

    About me

    Hi all, (sorry, my English is not THAT good) My name is Holger Gremminger. I live in Hannover/Germany (the city with the famous EXPO2000 ;) ). Moved to this beautifiul city 1996. I grow up in Sweden, the country of ASTRID LINDGREN. I am a Technical Writer since 1999, and in my sparetime...
  10. Holger

    Book Titles A-Z

    C - Cujo - by Stephen King
  11. Holger

    Stephen King

    Ok Tob, He could publish crap if would like to, but he doesn't. I am very surprised everytime I open a book written by him, because I always wait for the first bad book ("It has to come some day, hasn't it?"). But I always read the books from cover to back. He is a genius in my eyes. Some...
  12. Holger


    Ah! Thanks! /Holger
  13. Holger


    Hi Darren, What does the "dotted folder"-icon mean? Imean that letter with a black dot shown in front of some threads. /Holger
  14. Holger


    Sure! I love comic-books. I am getting father in September, and I am very happy because it enables me to "read comics" again without people saying that is children stuff ... ;) My absolute favourite: Calvin and Hobbes! :D
  15. Holger

    Should I get rid of the frames?

    Hi Darren, The problem with frames is that they are shown in a different way by different browsers. IE5.5 shows me the top frame correctly. NS4.75 shows it wrong, I get a scrollbar at the right and the buttons for the navigation is not shown in total. I can send you a screenshot oif you want...
  16. Holger

    Great functionallity

    Hi Darren, This site develops more and more each day. I think it is great! I really like the overview on the startpage, showing the status of my account. :cool: /Holger
  17. Holger

    How many forums do you frequent?

    As I made the first steps to install a forum by myself I dropped into www.phpbb.com . They have great forums, with one called "Show-off". All the people who installed a phpBB-forum told about that in this forum. So there you can find EVERYTHING! On that way, I became member in some forums, but I...
  18. Holger

    Stephen King

    Thanks a lot! Well, what kind of story is it, hmmmm ... it tells a story about a publishing house. This particular house is not going very well, in fact, the owner wants to close it. Well, in their stress to find something VERY selling they look through old manuscripts. And they refuse a book...
  19. Holger

    What Are you reading

    Darren, As you can see: We need that Marketplace! :D Until that, you can use the Marketplace in my forum (sorry for that advertising about my site, Darren!). :cool: :D
  20. Holger

    Stephen King

    Thanks! Ok, I visited the King-website earlier today, but it has been like that since half a year now, I think. Did anyone read the online-book? It is great ... I still have the copies if anybody wants to ... just send me an email (holger@manual-forum.de)!