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  1. R

    Any other Christians here?

    Why is that, Abc? One of my christian friends raved about that book.
  2. R

    I Almost Died Last Night

    That's frightening, AquaBlue. I'm not familiar with your medical history, are you diabetic and/or has this ever happened to you before? I'm glad you are alive!
  3. R

    Tragedy=reading less?

    I'm so sorry, Disenthral. You are grieving and therefore are not able to concentrate while reading. This is normal and will pass with time.
  4. R

    What are the best psychology/self-help books?

    The Law of Attraction is woo-woo pseudoscientific horseshit.
  5. R

    Why I only read non-fiction

    In my youth I preferred fiction but now my preference is non-fiction. If I do read fiction, then I like fiction that is written in first person as that holds my attention longer.
  6. R

    The official 2012 apocalypse thread

    I love Neil DeGrasse Tyson! Here is what he says on the topic: YouTube - Neil deGrasse Tyson - World to End In 2012...or Not
  7. R


    House is my favorite show! I think this will be one of the best seasons. I did read that Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) will be leaving the show but I'm not sure if that is rumor or not.
  8. R

    terry brooks

    I enjoyed Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!
  9. R

    Pictures of your book collection

    Well, they are a GREAT find! I have never seen anything like it anywhere and they look so neat and clean.
  10. R

    one or more books at a time

    I often read 2 or 3 books at the same time.
  11. R

    Pictures of your book collection

    Nellie, you have excellent book shelves. I especially like the glass cabinets which will keep out the dust.
  12. R

    Pictures of your book collection

    Dayum! Pontalba, you have an impressive display of books.
  13. R

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I finally ordered the cookbook that Abc told me about long ago called Best Of Mennonite Fellowship Meals by Phyllis P Good. Thank you, Abc, for the recommendation. :)
  14. R

    What have you planted recently?

    Aww, I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations. :)
  15. R

    What have you planted recently?

    We recently planted pansies, violas, lobelia, dahlias, rotodendrums, nasturtiums, geraniums, hamalayan blue poppies and black knight delphiniums. I still want to plant some forget-me-nots.
  16. R

    The today I'm irritated by __________ thread

    That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
  17. R

    Last seen...

    Twilight and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  18. R

    Can we create our own reality?

    We are trying to tell you that those evidences and claims in the law of attraction are bogus. Every man is a master of his surrounding reality only to a small percentage of what happens in his life but NOT to the degree that The Secret or What the Bleep claims.
  19. R

    Reality REALized!

    Yes, The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan would be a good book to start with and I also recommend the other books I listed: Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions by James Randi Top Secret: The Truth Behind Today's Pop Mysticisms by Robert M. Price The Reason Driven...