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Search results

  1. R

    What is Your Library Like? (Contains Images)

    OMG!! Those are awesome libraries! I would love to visit some of them one day. Thank you for the link. There are some wonderful libraries posted here. This is a nice thread.:)
  2. R

    Reality REALized!

    Yes and by that I mean that the behaviors and choices people make in their life can cause problems or successes. For example, If a person smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day, that behavior can lead to lung cancer. If a person drives while drunk, that can lead to a horrific car accident...
  3. R

    Reality REALized!

    You have every right to believe what you wish. I prefer that you not proselytize other people in this forum with your religious fanaticism, especially when your message is that a young woman's consciousness/thoughts causes a serial rapist to rape her or that a profoundly deformed newborn caused...
  4. R

    Reality REALized!

    LOL! Yes, and there is no evidence that any of those cases are true and of the cases I have read, they have been proven bogus. You are gullible. That is an abhorrent, disgusting and repulsive philosophy. If something like that were to happen to you, I hope you then realize the fallacy of...
  5. R

    Can we create our own reality?

    Horseshit. Tragedy strikes everyone's life at one time or another and to say that a person consciously or unconsciously attracted that tragedy to himself is cruel, inhumane and does nothing but fill the person with a feeling of failure and shame. Yes, people are responsible for an enormous...
  6. R

    Can we create our own reality?

    The Secret and What the bleep are pure quackery and pseudoscientific bunk. I am very familiar with the New Age & metaphysics movement and it is just another fanatical religion and a form of mind f*cking.
  7. R

    Reality REALized!

    Can an amputee create his reality by growing his limb back? So are you saying that children ages 12-14 do not create their reality but suddenly after age 12-14 they create their reality? Does an 18 year old woman cause a serial rapist to rape her? Did she create that reality with her...
  8. R

    Can we create our own reality?

    OK, let me rephrase that... To believe that we cause (create) our reality 100% of the time is psychotic thinking. If your 17 year old child gets murdered by unknown gangsters, did you create that reality consciously or unconsciously? Did that 17 year old child create their reality of being...
  9. R

    Reality REALized!

    With all due respect, have you considered the possibility that you have blighted your whole life with a fantasy of magical thinking and nonsense? Tell me how a little boy caused his father to pour gasoline over him and light him on fire. How did that little boy create his reality for that to...
  10. R

    Can we create our own reality?

    I don't think we can create our reality 100% of the time. This is a world of chaos; a world of joys and sorrows and there are countless things out of our control on this earth. To believe that we control our reality 100% of the time is psychotic thinking.
  11. R

    What have you planted recently?

    I still have to wait a couple of weeks to plant so the seedlings won't die. I can't wait to plant dahlias, pansies, lobelia, iceland poppies, forget me nots and nasturtians.:)
  12. R

    Charles Darwin

    SFG75, thank you kindly for the link to the online books by Darwin.
  13. R

    The Science Network

    Thank you for the link! I really like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.:D
  14. R

    Do you read on public transport?

    I get car sick if I read while sitting up in a moving vehicle. However, if I lay down in a car or bus, I can read with no problem.
  15. R

    Take out

  16. R

    How do you like your coffee?

    Me too!:D
  17. R

    Diana Gabaldon

    Ooooo, thanks! I will tell my daughter.:)
  18. R

    Strange Sounding Titles...

    The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan.
  19. R

    Nicholas Sparks: The Notebook

    The Notebook was based upon the lives of Nicholas Sparks wife's grandparents.